[center][h1][color=a187be]Natasha Brinne[/color][/h1] [img]http://static.tumblr.com/e8zlnu2/Vo0lpdr6u/tumblr_lp9qtqzoa41ql6ufqo1_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][b]Location:[/b] UCSF Medical Center [b]Interacting With:[/b] Dr. Reynolds [b]Date: March 12th[/b][/center][hr] The last days had sped by much faster than the doctor had anticipated; extra shifts and making sure that she was caught up with all her patients medical records to ensure she wasn't leaving anything undone before she left hadn't helped. She felt more stressed than ever. She had had no time to relax or spend with friends, she wondered if all of this was truly worth it. She had watched the videos that had been uploaded since she had submitted hers; the group that had won seemed interesting enough. They seemed excited to go, much more than she felt at least. Coming off her last shift before her official vacation began, she changed out of her scrubs and into her jeans. The sun had come up a few hours before and before she left she decided to take a few minutes to just breath. Making her way to the roof of the medical center, she looked out over the city. The view was rather lovely. "Not going to jump are you?" Dr. Reynolds asked as he leaned against the wall to the service hatch. [color=a187be]"I might,"[/color] Tasha said as she smirked, stepping closer to the edge and looking down at the ground below. "So, have everything you need to the trip?" he said, chuckling slightly at her antics. Tas nodded as she shoved her hands into her jean pockets. "Well, if you need anything, call me." Tas nodded again before walking over to him and giving him a quick hug. Then she was gone, making her way back through the hospital and then towards home. It was time for her to actually start packing, she hadn't began getting anything together yet. She hoped she wouldn't forget anything; granted she figured if she did she could just use the credit card provided to her. [color=a187be]"Screw it,"[/color] she muttered to herself as she made a hard right and started driving away from the apartments. Might as well get some new clothing for this trip, maybe it was time to indulge herself for once. She couldn't remember the last time she had. *[i][color=ed1c24]Time jump until the 12th, next will be day everyone leaves for Paris.[/color][/i]