If you're thinking 'Game of Thrones' leave. I haven't read it, nor have I watched it. No. I've actually been reading some Grimm's fairytales, which I guess is giving me the headspace of something medieval-ish. Bear with me; it's been some years since I've been on this site. I remember creating elaborate int. checks and I just...well, that's not happening right now. I'm having to get used to this site and this form of writing once again. But as I'm neglecting my own writing, I'm needing the creative outlet with a partner who will push me to do what I love: write. I'm female. I'm 24. My characters will be all ages and genders. I'm okay with ANY gender pairing. I'm totally ok with 18+ scenarios. I think I used to write solely over PM, or take the "smutty" stuff to PM and back to the thread. No email writing. I'm sorry to say I don't have any samples of my own writing, but I absolutely will be screening anyone interested to make sure that our writing will be on par with each other. ANYWAY, Years ago, on this site, I started a story that had to do with another land that was divided into kingdoms based on seasons. Winter kingdom, where it's always winter, summer, spring, autumn, etc. Summer natives might all be blonde and blue-eyed, Autumn natives maybe Redheaded. It should be very telling as to where a person is from. I've always liked the agricultural, social, and political struggles that would present. Imports and exports would be taking place all the time, but a person native to say, the Winter kingdom, would be forbidden (or perhaps allowed only by permit), to visit or live in another kingdom. It's very segregated. There would be unrest. It would be like four closely-guarded separate countries, with almost separate ethnicities. This is taking place during a medieval time period, and the mixing of cultures would be very...uh...illegal. Your main character lives in a particular kingdom. You choose. (Previously we had a bit of a FxF Princess/Princess or Princess/Waiting Maid thing going on. I'm up for whatever, honestly.) My main lives in a different kingdom. One of our characters runs away to escape some sort of persecution. She or he crosses kingdom boundaries and tries to seek solace with a people that are not her/his own. There's the main conflict. I haven't fleshed out much else, and I haven't done this for so long that I'm hoping if someone is interested, they will be willing to add their own ideas to my skeleton of a thought. So, post here if interested. Again, I'll be screening for writing compatibility. Thank you.