After everything was finally over Cia fell to the floor her legs giving way. She had a burn on her arm and looked pretty severe. Bone could actually seen from this burn. "I've done horrible things." Cia said tears coming down her face. "The humans were going to kill us we had to defend ourselves with the best way we knew how." Flemmings said trying to confort Cia. Cia only cried. She and everyone else left the shrine room and the portal to the room closed. "I-I need time to think." Cia added before opening a portal to what almost looked like a void. It was full of healing light which could be used to heal her burned arm. "Please, forgive me for what I have done." Cia said through her sobbing before stepping into the portal and disappearing. As she did so the portal closed. Not even Flemmings could get to Cia at this point. The screen faded to black and the credits began to roll. Along with a blooper real.