[hider=Clarice "Claire" Florence][center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/d8/0c/2f/d80c2f8d3d69e7a498c7c3842f318f54.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h1]Clarice "Claire" Florence[/h1][/center] [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Godly Parents[/b]: [list] [*]Mother: Terpsikhore [*]Father: Shalim [/list] [b]Sphere of Control[/b]: The Dusk and Music [b]Personality[/b]: Lover of music, dancing, and all around fun, though she seems laidback most of the time. She's a bit playful, and quick to joke around with just about anything. There are certain subjects that she would lead her to be either uncomfortable, or enraged. So, in a sense, she is short-tempered, but only on specific subjects of conversation. Aside from that, she's protective over her younger half-sister. She feels as if they have a twin connection, despite looking nothing alike, and being a year apart. She's clever at using her power, and understanding the nature of other powers, though she's even better when she's with her sister. [b]Sacred Animal[/b]: Cricket [b]Powers[/b]: [list] [*][b]Dance! Dance![/b]: Music-based manipulation of light and darkness (by music-based, I mean that the music she listens to controls it). [*][b]Move to the Beat![/b]: Altering self-speed, depending on the music. [/list] [b]Weapon(s)[/b]: Tazer, Knife, Pistol, Skateboard [b]History[/b]: Despite being born the child of two gods, Claire was more content with living and learning alongside mortals, particularly in their ever-evolving ideologies and artistic styles. That, and she really didn't like the thought of how her parents did things. She was born into adulthood, but forced herself to appear as a younger adult in order to properly learn among mortals without receiving looks of suspicion. She instantly fell in love with the mortal thoughts and arts. Being the daughter of a Dusk god and a Muse, her interest particularly led her to night clubs, where she would find herself mystified by the curious music produced by the DJs. Claire initially lived with her parents, who were a bit outdated with musical styles, so her first experience with the music was almost like culture-shock to her. Claire would devote many years to learning the history of music, and mastering every style and instrument she could find. By the time she finally found out that she had a sister, Claire had already become a successful DJ and composer. When she met Yuki, Claire felt an instant connection with her. Though Yuki was scared of her at first, Claire did all she could to make her comfortable. Eventually, they would find common ground in their interests in the mortal arts of music and dance. Since then, the two have depended on each other to bring out the best of each other. [b]other[/b]: Here's a video of how I envision her power to look (not necessarily the same as everything the video shows) [youtube]v=hDlif8Km4S4[/youtube] [h2][center]Claire and Yuki's favorite song (also their theme song)[/center][/h2] [youtube]v=I8Ywu1XNSbE[/youtube] [b]RACE[/b]: [hider=Duskician] [center][img]http://orig05.deviantart.net/2c84/f/2010/327/7/4/bibi___final_fantasy_ix_by_kami_warp_zone-d33fw2y.jpg[/img] [img]http://blazblue-am.jp/episode/img/ep04/003_l.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name of Civilization[/b]: Duskicians [b]Leadership Style[/b]: None [b]Powers of race[/b]: Magic Mix (a type of magic that fuses two basic spells into something different. For instance, a normal ice spell with a normal wind spell, then the result would be a small hailstorm spell) [b]Unique traits[/b]: Their physical bodies are actually just physical clumps of twilight. Though they age and grow similarly to humans, once they reach a certain age, they begin shrinking. By the time they die of old age, they're the size they were as a child. [b]God or Goddess[/b]: Claire [B]Location[/b]: Greece [b]Other[/b]: As a race with no leadership style whatsoever, they pretty much do whatever for most things. Such things involve sending any number between 1 to 15 representatives to deal with political problems, no currency, literally just trading items (they do have appraisers for this), and generally being unintentionally rude. For big decisions, they pray to their goddess for guidance, and are rewarded with an answer through her powers and music. Despite this, they are rather intelligent, as they must understand the nature of spells and magic before mixing it together. They're also fair, as they must find balance for a trade to commence. This race is actually a redesign of the denizens of Claire's realm, only with spirits and personalities, rather than simple husks with knowledge. Claire had a few ideas on how their bodies should work, but the forms she already used were too free-flowing, so it wouldn't work, as such, she asked Yuki for some help on it. [/hider][/hider] [center]--------------[/center] [hider=Yuki Florence][center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/4b/19/fb/4b19fb03412b74edeb17a33335aa72fd.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h1]Yuki Florence[/h1][/center] [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Godly Parents[/b]: [list] [*]Mother: Terpsikhore [*]Mother: Ame no Uzume no Mikoto [/list] [b]Sphere of Control[/b]: The Dawn and Dance [b]Personality[/b]: Yuki shares many traits with her half-sister. A love of music, dance, and generally fun activities. Though she has a lot more comfort talking about anything. Alone, she tends to stay reserved, saying only what she wants to say. With Claire, however, she almost becomes a whole new person. A prankster, a joker, a thinker- Yuki opens up her inner self much more easily with Claire around. Though she was not raised to be a warrior, Yuki was taught how to defend herself. Aside from that, she had an eye, ear, and mind for detail over the nature of things. [b]Sacred Animal[/b]: Firefly [b]Powers[/b]: [list] [*][b]Dance With Me![/b]: Dance-based manipulation of the elements. [*][b]Dance With These![/b]: Dance-based conjuration of weapons. [/list] [b]Weapon(s)[/b]: Without using her powers, she hides a tazer and a tranquilizer pistol. With her powers [b]History[/b]: Unlike her sister, Yuki was born an infant. Though she aged into adulthood rapidly, she still kept an innocence about herself. One that her parents could not change or influence. Also unlike her sister, Yuki was raised by her parents for a number of years, rather than leaving them to be on her own. She learned many things through their guidance, and her mother, Ame no Uzume no Mikoto, taught her more than just old dance styles. She was not raised to be a warrior, but was taught how to fight using weapons, just in case. She learned of the way of things among her parents', and then about her elder sister soon after. Though she hat bored no discomfort with the thought of her parents procreating with other gods and Titans, she did have a fear of how Claire would react to her existence. Yuki was afraid that Claire would be angry. That she'd hate her for being only her half-sister. That she'd see her as nothing more than a reminder of things she disliked. When her mother's sent Yuki to Claire, it was the most frightening experience she'd ever had...until she finally met with Claire, that is. Yuki's sister was overjoyed, and it shocked Yuki to the point where she kept her guard up around her, in case it was all just an act. Soon, however, they would learn to love each other as siblings. From then on, Claire would teach Yuki of mortal things. Such things would inspire her to style her own powers and fighting style after the creations of human imagination. [b]other[/b]: Thanks to Ame-no-Uzume, she knows all kinds of dance styles, from ancient ones long since forgotten to modern-day ones that everyone loves. Also, her powers were inspired by stuff like these [youtube]v=2dNQe0hlGs0[/youtube] [youtube]v=jf2ZEmQncn0[/youtube] [b]RACE[/b]: [hider=Mirifakino] [center][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/non-aliencreatures/images/7/7a/Garif.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130206214339[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/uUjwgYG.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name of Civilization[/b]: Mirifakino [b]Leadership Style[/b]: Tribal [b]Powers of race[/b]: Dance Summoning (The ability to summon what they call 'legends.' These legends are the spirits of champions of Yuki, Claire, and Miriam that have proven themselves to be guardians. [b]Unique traits[/b]: Their culture involves the usage of masks to indicate age and role. Warriors get intimidating masks, Hunter's get smaller masks that help them hunt, gatherers get more gentle-looking masks, shamans get masks that are marked for every year they've lived and every large achievement they've attained. Though there are rumors that they have horrifying faces, it's incorrect. They do have feathers in place of hair, though. [b]God or Goddess[/b]: Yuki [B]Location[/b]: scattered across Asia [b]Other[/b]: Due to the tribes being scattered, they have large differences in beliefs, though they share the same culture. Some live peacefully, while others become violent. Yuki finds the situation horrible, and very dangerous, but does nothing, as she sees them as her children, in a way. The creation of this race was made out of a dispute. Yuki had originally meant to create elementals, but when she left to help Claire redesign her twilit denizens, they all turned against each other. When she returned, all four types of elementals were in a grand battle. She stopped them while disguised as a masked dancer, distracting them and bringing them together over the course of three days. On the fourth day, Yuki had convinced them to merge into one being. The water and earth merged to create a soft, physical body. The wind joined to animate it. And the fire joined as well to give it life. When they had awoken, they had asked for masks like Yuki's, so that they may remember the beginning of their race. [/hider][/hider] [center]--------------[/center] [hider=Miriam][center][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CV9lKvTUsAAGBIO.jpg[/img][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/2e/43/19/2e4319c5b2e67f3dae99e48afb5f6bab.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h1]"Miriam"[/h1][/center] [b]gender[/b]: Female [b]godly parents[/b]: [list] [*]Mother: an unnamed Cherubim [*]Father: Kagu-tsuchi (Indirectly. A drop of his/its blood was used.) [/list] [b]sphere of control[/b]: Blood, Weapons, Mist, and Entertainment [b]personality[/b]: Miriam prefers to ignore just about anything she's not interested in, opting to play some game or stare at nothing and eventually fall asleep instead. However, when it comes to Claire, Yuki, and fighting, a plethora of emotions could rise out of her. She fights for fun, and often holds herself back in mortal fights by using a fragile human vessel. When an opportunity to fight arises, she becomes ecstatic, excited, and crazed. This is usually calmed by her friends. If they aren't around, however, then she would most likely start many battles. Aside from that, the only times she shows any emotion away from her friends and battle is when she goes to a human convention of various fictional things. She is an enthusiastic expert on cosplaying, and loves to role-play on the internet on various sites such as this one. [b]sacred animal[/b]: Condor [b]powers[/b]: [list] [*]Weapon Conjuration [*]Ammunition Conjuration (makes it a rule only to create arrows when using this power) [*]Red Mist Manipulation (Actually just mist manipulation, but the mist turns as red as blood when she controls it for some reason) [*]Mist Travel (can essentially travel to and from thick clouds of mist and fog) [*]Blood Travel (only when there's a large enough amount of blood in a given area) [/list] [b]weapon(s)[/b]: Trick weapons (i.e. a threaded cane, a scimitar scythe, a bladebow, and a trick twinblade/dagger and katana named [i]Rakuyo[/i]) [b]History[/b]: Miriam was birthed from blood. Deities may call it ichor, but it is their blood nonetheless. She was birthed from two drops of blood. The first was a preserved drop from a long-dead creature. The second was that of the one who raised her. A cherubim angel, whose name was lost to time. This angel felt that her own end was to come, and so she set out to create an heir. Her attempts were doomed, as the deities refused to accept a creature such as her, whose beastly appearance was...not favorable to them. However, the blind goddess known as Fortuna had admired the cherubim's attempts, and helped her. Fortuna gave the angel a vial that contained a drop of blood, belonging to the deceased son of Izanagi and Izanami. The one known as Kagu-tsuchi, whose blood had created a number of gods from the Japanese pantheon. By allowing her own blood to mix with Kagu-tsuchi's, Miriam had been created with the body that her mother would have had, had she been born a goddess. Miriam did have a few quirks, though. While the Cherubim wanted her to live as peaceful as the angels did, Miriam was a violent child when unsupervised. When her mother had turned her back, Miriam went down to the earth, where the hidden amazons lived, and slaughtered all but two of them. Miriam would continue to use this method of killing warrior races and mythical beasts as a way to train herself in the ways of combat. Her mother knew of them, and often scolded Miriam about those instances, but she loved her daughter too much. She taught her how to bend mist and fog to her will, and distracted her from chances of bloodshed with games. Even when she was at her most uncontrollable, Miriam loved her mother, and stood for ideals of peace and love. When her mother died, Miriam was lost. She traveled from here to there, fighting and killing within every war she happened upon, until she met Claire. Claire took her in, and introduced her to the entertainment that the earth had to offer. The two would live together, even when Yuki arrived. The sister goddesses of the Dusk and Dawn, of Music and Dance, became her closest friends. [b]other[/b]: [list] [*]She holds some VERY well-kept secrets. Ones that I don't feel comfortable sharing, for fear of her somehow coming to life, reaching through my screen, and strangling me to death. [*]She crafted her weapons herself, then became excited when she found similar weapons being used in her current favorite video game. [*]Fortuna, seeing herself as what the humans would call a "godmother" (heh) to Miriam, had blessed her with good luck in games where she played against others. [/list] [b]RACE[/b]: [hider=Slimilili] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/11/56/16/115616748c1ceb1a6f39bcbf72f73480.jpg[/img][img]http://pre14.deviantart.net/a9f2/th/pre/f/2015/039/3/f/ghost_slime_timpek_by_patchwork_oddity-d8h9uwk.png[/img][/center] [b]Name of Civilization[/b]: Slimilili [b]Leadership Style[/b]: Monarchy (Matriarchy) [center]WARNING! You have no idea how difficult it is trying to find good slime pics that don't involve something "naughty." This is literally the best I could find.[/center] [hider=Queen][img]https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/XQCcTQ3Q2KlXtQdHkrlw[/img][/hider] [b]Powers of race[/b]: Consumption Evolution (To grow, these slimes have to eat things and break them down to convert them into more slime for their bodies. Strangely, sometimes eating particular objects leads to a physical change in their appearances, as shown by the queen slime. They can also randomly attain abilities of what they eat. [b]Unique traits[/b]: Strangely enough, they grow through consumption. What they eat changes how they look. Though their personality is a work of their own, they can look like they have an entire body of pure slime, or a partial body of slime with physical objects of what they had enveloped. Whatever they eat gets converted to slime most of the time, though they do have a bit of control over what they eat. [b]God or Goddess[/b]: Miriam [B]Location[/b]: Polynesian Islands, and one island that acts as the capital of the slime kingdom. [b]Other[/b]: There are rumors that Slimes have the ability to enter and possess other beings. This is false, as that would assume that they entered the body and broke down the innards of an individual. Slimes cannot envelop and break down currently-living beings. They'd have to be deceased to be edible. Aside from that, they tend to be tinkerers of sorts. Though building things is more like their version of cooking, they come up with some nifty inventions. Strangely enough, the creation of the Slimilili was completely on accident. Miriam was toying with a mortal's blood clot that she preserved and accidentally sneezed on it. Finding it gross, she tossed it onto a random island, where it moved on its own and began eating everything that was dead or non-living. Eventually it grew so large that Miriam came down to fight it. When it saw her, it moved joyously and split up into a bunch of slime people. Not wanting to make more trouble than she already had, Miriam ended up teaching them herself, and transporting the excess population to other islands. Soon enough, they formed a kingdom, with a royal family that Miriam picked out. [/hider][/hider]