Yski was feeling fairly grouchy. The music was earsplittingly loud to a Bith, so much so that he had to clench his mouth shut and hold his hands over it in order to hear clearly. Of course, he could have done what he normally did and swilled his olfactory/vibratory glands with kyrf until his mind and senses were too dulled for the club to cause him pain or damage, but he wasn't allowed to bring drinks with him into a bar, for obvious reasons. The kyrf planet was a long, long way away, and he only had 5 credits. There he sat, drinkless, in this most uncomfortable position, glaring with much frustration at what the men around him insisted were the most gorgeous pair of thighs in the world, but only being able to see a barely Twi'lek-shaped blob of dull color practically drowned out by the vibrant lights above and behind her. He reached for his scope, but alas, the girl was just out of the focus range. He leaned in and out slowly to no avail, and decided to look elsewhere for something to do, putting the scope away and drawing his cane with his free hand, he made his way to the bar. "Cheapess drink?" He asked through his hand in muffled basic, unaware that the two people that the fat man had told him about were right next to him. He reached for the few credits in his pocket. He was a beggar all over again, and likely couldn't afford much, but his kyrf was stored somewhere at the entrance and [i]something [/i]had to be done about this loud, ceaseless noise.