"Now, now. You're a diplomatic guest. If we threw you into a cell that wouldn't be very diplomatic. You may roam around, but keep in mind the interactions going around. You don't want to talk to the wrong person. There will be a Civil council meeting soon, and then possibly a Talos meeting after that. You may attend both, and meet our leaders in turn." Upon walking in, there was an Talos infantryman stationed as a guard, sitting on a chair with a desk in front of him, papers on top. "Go ahead and laugh that a soldier is sitting with paperwork on guard duty, but know that everything here serves a purpose. The desk is bulletproof, and can be used as cover. The chair is also bulletproof, and the large backrest makes it a moveable shield. He has a panic button, a radio, and a gun, all self explanatory. The papers show our hierarchy structure." With a nod to the infantryman, she took a sheet off of the desk and handed it to Erving. "Take a look at that, it's important you know our structure. It has the structure [i]and[/i] the names of those in their ranks, so you know who to talk to if you have problems. Now, run free. The meeting is in..." She looked at the guard at the desk. "Fifteen minutes, ma'am," he says. With a nod, Fay begins walking. "Ask anyone for directions to the civil council area, or just tag along if you want to. It's the only way you'll get to see restricted areas, and it's not a tour."