[quote=@ClocktowerEchos] You could have them be Federation Guards and do a simple name change from Confederation to just Federation. [/quote] That would work... sort of. I didn't think of that. A part of me REALLY wants to do that. The lines between a Confederation and a Federation are kind'a mulled. But the distinction is important in the U.S. because the U.S.A. has what we'd consider a Federal government. A confederacy is a group of independent states that work together (like the Iroquois nation or the North German Confederacy); a federation implies more centralization and less independence for the member states. If nothing else comes up, that's what I'll roll with, but a confederacy is different enough from a federation that I'm a bit wary of running with that. EDIT: Yeah, just double checked something. Typed confederation vs. federation into Google. The following came up: [quote]By definition the difference between a confederation and a federation is that the membership of the member states in a confederation is voluntary, while the membership in a federation is not.[/quote] That'd go against what I'm writing the League to be. The League isn't going to go about trying to annex people; it's going to be a mostly defensive state that tries to expand diplomatically. I'm gonna avoid the word Federation. League Guard just doesn't sound good, either...