The writings here within are simply random stories of a world known as Vignar which I am writing about. All writings are quite possibly going to be used at one time or another in the future in an RP should I ever feel like it. Anyway, to the writings. “A God thinks not why the lesser beings praise him for he knows that he is of greater standing than the ants below him. It is quite true that a man who is seated in power and wealth think the same as a God. Yet, unlike a God, the power and wealth of a man will die out like a flame with limited firewood to burn. As such, the man must continue his rise or he will fall faster than a diving gryphon upon its prey. Wary should be the man who seeks greater power for he may well burn the wood of the dam which holds back the water from putting out his flame” - As written in the Prefix to [i]The Rise and Fall of Great Men, Nations, and Peoples of Higleat From the Age of the Phoenix to the Age of Gods[/i] by Scribe Wilhelm Harbrook of Couragh “Over the course of history there have been multiple Ages all marked by the passing of one thousand years each time. The longest kept history as told by the Ruins of the Evermere goes all the way back to the Age of the Phoenix and continues up for nearly four ages until the Age of the Gods in which they died. As such, one can believe that our World of Vignar has been around for at least five thousand years. Though, this is all speculation as no written history exists before the Age of the Phoenix nor do any beings of Vignar live longer than a few hundred years. If perhaps the Dragons of old really lived through entire Ages, we might be privy to the information which they hold of the time before the Age of the Phoenix. Yet, they are nothing but myth for even the Evermerian records only recount fleeting stories of massive beings with wings of leather and scales which sparkled as if they carried a rainbow. Despite all of this, I, Wilhelm Harbrook, do intend to lay before the men and women who are of the higher classes and know the Common tongue as it is written, a comprehensive history of the lands of Higleat and all those who have lived here within our world. Despite my ripe, young age of twenty-eight summers, I have studied the knowledge of many historians before me who were my Master’s Masters and the work of my own apprentices are compiled here within. It is to be understood that the writings here within are all done from the view of an outsider looking inward and may not reflect the actual course of History as is known by other races or even countries. If one possess a portion of knowledge which may disprove or help prove any of the writings here within true, please report of Couragh, if possible, with the information one possesses and they shall be provided a hefty sum coins for the accurate information.” - As written in the Prologue to [i]The Rise and Fall of Great Men, Nations, and Peoples of Higleat From the Age of the Phoenix to the Age of Gods[/i] by Scribe Wilhelm Harbrook of Couragh. [center][color=#670A0A][h1][b]Age of the Phoenix[/b][/h1][/color][/center] [center][h3][b]Creation of Vignar[/b][/h3][/center] Throughout the many races which live upon the lands of Higleat there is one common story, the Creation of Vignar, which is always consistent with each other. Though barring minor deviations from the story told by the Evermere, the only changes within this story are of names. The Evermere, having been the oldest race to grace Higleat, are who we shall focus on in the telling of this story. It is to be understood by the reader that these are all interpretations of writings left by the Evermere and are not perfect translations. Thus, the story here within is not the proper recounting thereof as the knowledge to tell it as such is lacking in our current day and age. Now, onto the telling. [i]“In the infinite dark there sat a Being known to the Evermere as Ashira whose unrivaled power went upraised and unknown for all that was was darkness. In his unquenchable lust for his powers to be acknowledged, Ashira brought into existence the Four Planes which consisted of Azaria, Vignar, Bileat, and Kourk. Yet, he found the lands laking of those to worship him and crafted the Primordials, a race whose form was that of near pure energy. The Primordials knew of the great power of their lord and worshipped him but Ashira once again found them lacking. Thus, he brought the Dragons, a race of leather winged and rainbow scaled beings, into existence as well as the Evermere. The Dragons watched over all he created on Vignar and kept the balance of the lands, assuring that no one race nor country became more powerful than the other. The Evermere were Ashira’s greatest creation though, beings whose minds were as malleable as gold and could bear knowledge of the world like a tilled field could bear wheat. Their long lives, measuring nearly three hundred at the oldest, allowed them to study the world and discover more of their bountiful lands as had been granted them by Ashira. Ashira, having succeeded in his own eyes, felt the draw of a rest which he could not fight off and thus split his power into many minor beings who would become the Pantheon to watch over the world while his Heart, a massive ebony and royal purple colored beauty of crystal, became the center of Vignar and would thus forever be known as the Heartstone. Life flourished on Vignar with the presence of the Heartstone at its core and many races came to be as the Pantheon worked with the powers they were given, often in an attempt to trump one or the other for whatever reason. Though the final annals of this myth are rather degraded, the current interpretation of their writings suggest that the Evermere believed that Ashira would return at some point to claim his position in the Heavens.” [/i]