[quote=@CirusArvennicus] Name: Starla Stratos [/quote] Accepted. [quote=@Nytefall] Name: Msaliti “CG -145” Appearance: Msaliti stands well over six feet tall and looks down on most races average heights. Understand most languages [/quote] Accepted, but here's some petty nitpicks. Six feet isn't that big, but how much is well over six feet? There likely are indeed more races shorter than humans than taller. I was planning on a giant race at one point. Still might do it sometime in the near future. For understand most languages, you mean after learning them, I'm assuming? His brain likely wouldn't have millions or billions of languages in it. [quote=@FacePunch] [b]Name:[/b] Y00-17 or 'Metalhead' [b]Age:[/b] 10 (Since activation) Metalhead was built to be fiercely loyal to the Faera people; his loyalty emanates to his new crew and associates as well. via a Universal Serial Bus cable Y00-17 is a not a unique machine. He is one of tens of thousands of Multi-purpose Naval Droids designed and built by the Faera. During a battle with one of UNT's primary rivals in the north Metalhead spent the next two years hopping from command to command, causing trouble for every Faerin commander he was put under. Y00-17 didn't see himself in the wrong; he did only as he was programmed to do. But certain actions he took in the name of his higher code hindered the Fleet's progress overall. Eventually Metalhead was honorably discharged when he took a hard line stance against a particularly corrupt captain's breaking of intergalactic law. Instead of allowing Y00-17 to take these recorded events to Command, the captain blackmailed Y00-17 into willing leaving the military. [/quote] Character accepted. By loyalty to Faera, I'd assume the ones loyal to the queen. Other faera could be equally an enemy to them as any other race. Interesting. Both him and Msalti are 10 years old. Ah, now I know the fancy name for a USB. While I doubt they'd use exactly a USB, but a human could easily say, "that's a USB" and they'd understand how to work it. More minor nitpicks. What you say is technically correct, but saying "tens of thousands" makes it seem like a lot, when it's actually not that many, all things considered. Nobody would comprise a huge amount of AI in their military in case something goes wrong with them like the Virous attack long ago. That being said, that stated number will probably be around the most active at any given moment, mostly in the more deep space but some could go elsewhere like your guys. I'm thinking the Faera's primary rival up there could be some sort of a large slug, like 7 feet tall or so, and has magical powers and maybe freeze breath or neurotoxin or something. Would make sense to send your guy to fight them in that case, as they don't have brains to target. Another idea for a rival of theirs is ones that only go up to their hips and are kind of like hedgehogs. Judging by his backstory it seems like the Faera are getting more aggressive in their expansion again, which is sort of what I had in mind already. Maybe there's a power hungry admiral who was the captain who blackmailed Y00. She's an evil genius. [quote=@Kingfisher] [b]Name:[/b] Zhaelara [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Physicality] [img] http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammeronline/images/a/a1/Daemonette_cx.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100410141118 [/img] [/hider] [hider=Facial Features beneath Flesh-Mask] [img] http://media.comicbook.com/uploads1/2014/08/jena-malone-104339.jpg [/img] (Just a bit more purple) [/hider] Deemed too dangerous to be stored in a single location, each member of the Narugoz was placed in a separate cell, with Zhaelara being forced into custody aboard the Exeralune. [/quote] Does her horns and stuff get hidden somehow? Her stay on the Exeralune was most likely meant to be a temporary thing as they relocate her to some other planet on their route, but things will go wrong before that can happen. Character accepted. [quote=@Lord Zee] Name: Hes called Vordak. His real name is unpronounceable to others. [/quote] Accepted. Interesting how he looks more human than most Cyturn, which could symbolize his personality of gaining more humanity, I suppose. [quote=@CirusArvennicus] Should we plan out a good time for her crystal to hatch? [/quote] Any time you feel is right.