[@scifidude47] Godwin followed Gerret and his crew closely, the two officers tailing behind him as well. All of the guards remained at the entrance of their station. The Savior General absorbed what information of the station he could as they walked, speaking as they made the trip. "If I knew that we were going to receive such a warm welcome, I would have brought a gift myself. We'll have to arrange something later", Godwin explained to the other station leader, "as for planet reclamation, well... I hate to sound cynical but that may be a bit hopeful at the moment. I would be more worried about a more hateful and greedy enemy. Humankind". Godwin paused for a moment before continuing, "You have arguably the most important resource, my friend. That can either give you the upper hand or make you a target. From the looks of things, you don't seem to have much security and that makes me fearful. Now I'm sure you have enough food to go around for an extra station or two... but what happens when there are too many stations? What happens when the civilians of our stations demand more because the rations aren't enough to go around? Do we let the unrest bubble into civil disobedience? Do we let that civil disobedience force us into drastic action? What if one of these other stations, just trying to do good by their people... or maybe something more insidious, use force to take such a precious resource for themselves?" Of course, this is the exact action Godwin would take if it came to it. His priority was to secure a stable source of food for his people. The rest could come later. Godwin held his hands behind his back and continued, "I fear that it won't be long before we see an all new kind of war among our brothers and sisters, Mr. Myers. Station warfare, brought on by the scarcity... or perceived scarcity of resources among the last of Humankind. I never wanted things to come to this but I've decided to start preparing my own people for this inevitability. I think it would be in your best interest to do the same." "Now, this may seem a bit drastic but... perhaps our stations could provide for each other a little more than we provide for the other stations, if they are even willing to cooperate like we are, that is. Now, I won't go into the details until we get a little further into our discussion but I'm very much interested in an arrangement that would completely ensure your safety from the other stations. So if they decide that they need a little more food or want to contribute a little less, it won't be so hard on your station... or mine." Godwin suddenly cleared his throat, "Ah, I get ahead of myself. Like I said, we'll discuss it further later. Just keep the idea in mind, please."