[@shylarah] I really do need to find the name for those crystals non-magi use... I can't seem to... How I had it set up was the ink is "made" using those crystals. In a sense, to hide behind them as a shield. After all paper is flimsy isn't it? *nervous chuckle* I honestly didn't really think about that... It was a spur of the moment type deal... I blame the Miko's of Japan and the want to make something along those lines but not female, rather male... *think* I'm probably going to have to sort that out and fix it a bit to make it seem more plausable, thanks for pointing tht out though! [@Mogtaki] Okiday!! I just wanted to make sure, because in some of my early post the Machina Zander was looking at was you... Yet he wouldn't know you were a Machina since you look more so Mura then Machina... I'll have to go through and fix those up at some point... So many mini-mistakes! *bows*