Memory of her crime had escaped her mind. Of course, memory of a lot of things had escaped her mind, including the details of her personal life and anything beyond the past week. The last thing she could remember was waking up a slave, being tortured and worked to near death every day. This experience had effectively suppressed her imagination or curiosity and Grinn had seemingly accepted her fate, awaiting execution with patience. It wasn't until the old stranger had freed them that her mind began to wander. Who was she? What did she do to deserve this? Why couldn't she remember when so much seemed to come as instinct? Even with her newly found freedom, Grinn had little time to think all of this through. They had escaped but were still in danger, hiding their position from prying eyes and careful to avoid any and all potential enemies. Who ever these people were that Grinn had escaped with were connected to her and they were all wanted for something that had apparently earned them extreme hatred. For all she knew, there could be people waiting at every corner for them. The group was suddenly stopped when a man in armor had appeared, seemingly out of nowhere. What ever thoughts that were crossing Grinn's mind had slipped away as a surge of energy burst through her body. If she weren't more reserved, she would have already charged forward, unarmed and screaming, attacking the sudden threat. Grinn felt that if they were attacked, she wouldn't be able to help herself. When another figure suddenly appeared, Grinn was aware of the developing situation. They had been hunted down by who had likely been bounty hunters. The man who had freed them from captivity beckoned for the escaped slaves to run. It felt as though every fiber of her being was fighting this command, nearly forcing her to join him. However, she pushed herself to run, following those who had already began making the sprint toward the crags. Whether she would stick with these people or not was debatable but she knew that her best chances would be with them at this moment in time.