"I do appreciate the thoughts, Mr. D'Agincourte." Gerret said as he walked. They walked past a large room, with men and women at work tending several different varieties of fruits, vegetables, and herbs. A worker tossed Gerret an apple, which he caught happily. "I agree that we could use more security, in the event of someone taking drastic measures. Out of the 250 people on this station, there are not many weapons to go around, unless you count cutting tools." He spoke, patting the side of his leg to make sure his pistol was still there. "If we need to produce more food, there is no reason we cannot find or salvage more food production systems from other abandoned stations, or find the schematics to build more." He spoke as they walked through an atrium filled with varying kinds of trees. A bird could be heard chirping here and there as they fluttered in between the trees. Eventually, they reached a room that was Garret's office. He passed by it to another room, where there was a built-in pond. Within it was a school of silver fish, all calmly swimming within the clear water, made slightly blue by the underwater lights. "We're happy to provide to whoever we can, but we understand that there probably isn't enough to feed everyone and still have some left over for ourselves. My scientists calculated that if we produced at maximum rate, and gave every crop harvested equally among different people, we could only continuously support a population of around one-thousand people, give or take. It's my hope that more than that remains of humanity, but at the same time I want to do everything I can to protect what we have." He sits by the pod, in a nearby chair. "If you would be willing to help us defend this place from anyone who would harm us, you and your people may be allotted a share of our harvests."