[h1][b][i][color=ec008c][center]José Bloomer[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view1/4342323/ariel-for-hire-ariel-bloomer-o.gif[/img] At: Her apartment Interacting with: Richard, Other winners via video Date: 5th March[/center] [hr][hr] Getting approval from work hadn’t been hard, José has been quite dedicated to her job since she was only an apprentice, besides, March was one of the quieter parts of the year. Although the hairdressers often got enough work to keep them busy through the day the makeup artists only got the occasional bridal party or such and spent most of their days joking around. Even with this in mind José promised to put more hours in when she returned, no quite sure if it was for work’s benefit or her own, she genuinely loved her job. A few days, 4 to be exact, had passed since the arrival of the small wooden box and José had not dared to reopen it, not that she was sure why. Maybe because she saw no need to, maybe she was scared it was all a dream. However, there were many times she picked up the box and turned it in her hands, taking in every detail of the intricate craving. It was beautiful, a lot more so than what one would expect to find in José’s small apartment. She traced over the carvings with her finger before placing the box in front of her on the bright blue covers of her single bed. Slowly she once again opened the box. It was all there, as it was that first day she opened it. It wasn’t a dream, an illusion. This was real and it was happening to [i]her[/i]. This time, instead of looking over the papers and pamphlets in the box she took out each of its contents, reading them one-by-one slowly and carefully. She didn’t want to miss a thing this time. She took out a black card and stared at it intently. [i]How much is on it? A lot, I’d expect.[/i] The things some people could, some would, do with this card. José didn’t think about it. She make it a very strict rule to save it for trip and its essentials. Even though her job only supplied a low income José was content what she had, she more than she needed, she could pay her rent on time, she had food in her stomach and more often than not a bit left for saving or to go out. Once she had read every pamphlet and piece of paper in the box the young adult packed it all back as neat as she could (which, admittedly, wasn’t very much so), leaving out a single pamphlet, before placing the box in her shirts drawer. Call her paranoid but this is something worth stealing and although no one, unless she let them, would try to break in unless they were content with climbing flight after flight of stairs before attempting to break in she was going to keep it out of the way. She dragged over the silver laptop from the end of her bed, opening it and turning it on. She picked up the pamphlet, turning it over to find the web address and typing it into the address bar. She followed the instructions for logging in then found the page with the winners’ names. Some names had a video underneath, she watched each one. It was nice to know a bit those she’d be taking the trip with and, at least, what they looked like. José clicked the record button on her current screen when showed José’s reflection back at her. [color=ec008c]”Uh…. Hi,”[/color] she starts. [i]Oh congratulations José, all confidence on stage and with clients at work but you can’t greet people over internet.[/i] [color=ec008c]”Um, so I’m José Bloomer, as it says above I guess, Oh and please don’t call me Josephine,[color]” she shudders ever-so-slightly, [color=ec008c]”I work as a make-up artist in Hartford, oh and I’m the lead singer for a rock band called Outway Street, we only do local stuff so you’ve probably never heard of us. Uh, I moved to America from Sweden when I was 6 which sorta explains why my accent isn’t quite full-on American. I’m 22 by the way. Um….”[/color] she purses her lips, stopping herself erupting into word vomit. [color=ec008c]”I’m fluent in English, French and Swedish. I thi-“[/color] That was when there came a knock from the door “José!” Came the voice of her band’s lead guitarist, Richard. [color=ec008c]”What?!”[/color] “You should be at practice, we were meant to start now,” At this José looked at the time displayed on the bottom right of her screen- 5:02 [color=ec008c]”Crap,”[/color] she mutters, [color=ec008c]”Gimme a minute!”[/color] she looks back at the camera. [color=ec008c]”Yeah, I look forward to meeting you all,”[/color]. She give a quick summery in French and Swedish, as the others did in their other languages before uploading the video to the site before slipping on her leather jacket walking over to Richard. [color=ec008c]”Sorry, I lost track of time,”[/color] “And because of this one time us guys were thinking kicking you out of the band,” he jokes. José rolls her eyes, jokingly hitting Richard in the arm as they walk out the door.