A cage. A stupid cage for two FULL weeks. The fairy fluttered angrily with a bunch of strangers remembering her horrendous time in the slave camp. She would've rather wanted to do labor work than be somebody's pet. Her body glowed brightly as sparkles came from under her wings. Her slave clothes disgusted her for some reason... they were not appealing at all. The little one did contemplate whether or not she murdered someone... something told her she wasn't the most lucky person and that it was highly possible... BUT that was simply her intuition. All the guards doubted she was capable of such crime. Being big-mean-jerks while she was behind bars. She hated small spaces. She hated THAT cage. WHAT IF SHE DID KILL THIS REALLY IMPORTANT PERSON?! A fairy could be just as much of a murderer as a big, scary orc! She looked at the female orc beside her and tilted her head. Out of all the others running, the orc was the most intimidating one, along with the old man but that was besides the point. Perhaps simply misunderstood. What if they all were misunderstood? Huffing to herself for thinking too much, not liking how blank her mind felt, she focused on following their savior. The old man leading them seemed to have his fair share of battles. He was a top notch professional and he achieved a great feat by helping them escape! For now, she'd stay quiet and hope they would find a safe haven. The people accused for the same murder were all very strange... her insides told her that they weren't stupid enough to kill Mr. Lonefire, the son of the [i]Grand Marquess[/i]. But who knows! In this moment, they were all murderers until proven innocent. Stupid system. Her face saddened. That can't be true, right? She began hitting her head to remember things, [color=6ecff6]"Think Noli! Think!" [/color] Until the party came to a full stop. Floating in the air by most of the heads of the group, she realized the old man was about to get in a brawl with an immensely large, giant of a man and a small, snowy-haired girl. [color=6ecff6]"They think they're tuff shots hmmm! [i]Obviously [/i], they're not good enough if they need to be together."[/color] She was ready to throw something at them, but only fairy dust seemed to come out... she was not very effective. The old man gave her glaring eyes and the fairy retreated behind the priest, [color=6ecff6]"PROTECT ME HUMANNNNN."[/color] She decided to rest herself on his head. Sitting on his head, she pointed in the direction the old man directed them to follow, [color=6ecff6]"WE GO HUMAN!"[/color] She looked at the other party members, not really caring how they thought of her tiny self and said, [color=6ecff6]"Lets get to steppin', you heard the Mister!"[/color]. She giggled in excitement, this was so much better than a cage, [color=6ecff6]"We got exploring to do!"[/color]