[hider=Dragon Rider][center][u]Name[/u] Bristle [u]Age [/u] 18 [u]Gender [/u] Male [u]Cave[/u] 3 [u]Personality[/u] Bristle is a cheerful fellow, always up for a laugh and a joke. He can be a prankster at times and sometimes takes things a little too far but he doesn't mean to. Always seems to have a smile on his face. [u]Looks[/u] [img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs4/i/2004/244/6/c/Bard.jpg[/img] [u]What you personally have with you[/u] A walking stick and several toys to play with. [u]Dog Info[/u] Ark: Pointers, Wolfdog, Labrador. [/center][/hider]