[h1][color=Gold]Akio Tendou[/color][/h1] [hr]Sunagakure, Confederate Archive Building, Hamajo Confederate[hr] Akio cursed as she heard a voice coming from behind her, but before she could manage any defense she was hit by the attack and set across the room into a nearby shelf. Dazed by the attack, she barely managed to role put of the way of Mikoto's following strike , though was quickly met with three pairs of Sharingan staring her down as three clones of the previous attacker charged towards her with drawn blades. Knowing that she was in a terrible position and needed to get out before it got any worse, she was quick to initiate the substitution jutsu, leaving behind a burned book covered with explosive tags to detonate, likely destroying the clones and possibly harming the attacker with the staff if he hadn't managed to get out in time. She might have tried to hit them with her thunderbolt jutsu, but considering that the last attack had left her covered in highly conductive water, that would be a very, very bad idea. The explosion would also provide some cover for her escape, as she quickly dived through the now unguarded door, leaving a few more explosive tags to take care of any possible followers. She'd make her way towards a more open area in the building, a large library in the center of the building that was open to almost all the floors, and thus held a lot more maneuverability than the rest of the building. As she made her way to the area, keeping an eye out for any potential sneak attacks or pursuers, she pressed a button on her ear piece, quickly making contact with the other squads. "Tendou-san, what's going on? I heard a bunch of loud noise form the roof, all most like it fucking collapsed, and then a loud bang from the lower floor? Are we being attacked?" Said the recognizable voice of the new chunin before, Arata. "NO SHIT! Brilliant analysis, Arata, and here I thought it was a bunch of abnormally aggressive salesman. Now stop being a idiot and listen, you need to send a request for back up to HQ and get those archivers to start destroying as many files as they can., Whatever they have hear is probably backed up somewhere else, and if not, it's better than letting the enemy get whatever information they're looking for. NOw get the other squads together and tell them to do the same. THe priority here is to make sure that the enemy doesn't get whatever it is that they're after, so I don't care if you have to burn this building to the ground to do that, am I fucking clear?" She spoke in a highly agitated whisper as she began to think over how extremely fucked she currently was. [i]Great, so we've got at least three intruders, no idea what they want, and no clear idea of their general level of skill. Only good thing about this whole situation is that the adrenaline is helping to clear my hangover up. Praise Kami for that small blessing.[/i] After that, she would run through a string of handseals, holding her hand out in front of her as she came to a stop near the entrance to the open area, walking into the open foyer, a small ball of fire and heat quickly forming in the palm of her open hand. The heat was helping to quicken the drying process, which meant she would be able to use her more precise jutsu soon enough, but for now, this would have to do. Keeping her eyes open for any possible threats, she notice the cracks in the ceiling not to far away from her on the upper floors, probably a result of the fight on the roof, which meant that whoever had done that was probably really close by. Fan-fucking-tastic. [@GrafRoy Zeppeli] [@Akai no Senshi] [@j8cob] ((OOC: The open area is like [url=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/89/Inner_view_of_the_library_of_SHUPL.JPG] this[/url], but with about three floors, including the ground floor. Katsuko would be on the third floor in a room not too far away from the main area, with Mikoto and Saketsui being in a room that, while isn't far from the area, is still a little ways. Their are about 3 squads of three in the building that are on high alert and running through the building in a rush to handle the information and deal with any intruders, with one more squad outside that's getting it's bearings after getting thrown out of a building. If I messed up or missed something, then please let me now and I'll go fix it as soon as I can.)) [h1][color=DarkOrange]Tatsuya Kajiya-Terumi[/color][/h1] Tatsuya internally cringed at her question, a bit silent as he wondered if he was being a bi weird with his greeting. It had been a bit of casual observation, but then it was very possible she hadn't been paying attention to him yesterday. hell, the only reason he remembered her was because she had been talking about lunch with said friend. Luckily, before he could say anything else in an attempt to explain himself, she decided to answer him anyway. Her nervous actions after that left him confused at first, than embarrassed as he realized that maybe he hadn't been a little less than subtle with his interest with her prosthetic, his running through his wet hair in slight exapseration at his own lack of tact. Luckily, he managed to maintain the good sense to not draw any extra attention to the afflicted eye that she revealed to him, probably unknowingly, through her actions. He was curious about it, of that their was little question, but such questions weren't appropriate to ask someone he just met, and he had been raised to mind his own business whenever possible. [i]Her business is her business, and I've got no right to infringe on that, no matter how curious I am.[/i] He started to chew on his thumbnail, feeling as if the silence had string on for a bit too long, when the girl suddenly seemed to remember him, as well as giving him a slightly strange look after asking her question. "Yeah, you and your friend were talking about lunch and passed around me while I was . . . thinking about some things after listening to that crazy cat thing speak it's stupid propaganda. Only reason I remember is because it made me interested in getting my own lunch, which in turn led to some random red headed woman cleaning out my wallet, but that's a story for another day." As Tatsuya spoke, he noticed a certain something about the girl that he hadn't before, mainly that she had an umbrella. Looking up at the sky, Tatsuya finally noticed the slight chill that had crept up on him and how waterlogged his clothes were starting to become. "Anyway, ho about we go inside before I catch my death out here, yeah? You should see some of the stuff they have in here, it's like the most hi-tech place I've ever seen in my life. It's pretty cool, though it makes one thing if the confederate spends its money on anything but the military. They even have these weird class cages where you can basically create any kind of environment you can imagine. It's really crazy the kind of things that have been developed in the past few years." Tatsuya would say as he started walking slowly into the building, looking back to see if Mirai is following, and being sure to casually open the door for her. Once inside, Tatsuya would suddenly come to a bit of a realization that he still didn't know the girl's name, and she didn't know his. "Oh, I forgot to mention earlier, but my name's Tatsuya Kajiya-Terumi." He put out his hand in greeting after a semi-futile attempt to dry it off on his pants.