[color=hotpink][h3]Chamise Allen[/h3][/color] Cammie finished checking out another customer as she listened to Sora. Honestly, she hadn't even thought about lunch, and her stomach growled at the thought of some fresh soba noodles. [color=hotpink]"Heheh... I guess I [i]did[/i] forget to pack my lunch, today..."[/color] She thought for a moment as she fished out a request form for the next customer to approach her. Cammie had always been pretty good at multitasking, but things were getting busy so she would need to give the job her full attention, soon. There was no time to debate about it, or insist that she could take care of herself (she didn't really like to rely on others). [color=hotpink]"Okay. Thank you, Sora-kun!"[/color] She pulled a few extra bills from her pocket and handed them to him. [color=hotpink]"Anything is fine, really. Whatever you're eating. I just appreciate the help!"[/color] Her hair dropped in front of her face as she bowed deeply to him. [color=hotpink]"Thank you, again. Please let me know if there's any way I can repay you!"[/color] And with that, she turned and hurried over to the baseball equipment to help another customer. Even though she'd been in Japan for years, Cammie was still adjusting to how nice everyone was in this country. In America, they would have run off with her money rather than actually helping her out. This mall alone was full of such friendly people, like the woman from earlier who had stepped in to help. She was looking forward to getting to know these people even more as they continued to work together!