Frisk smiled and opened her mouth, wanting to say that her sweater was doing a decent job at keeping her warm, but was cut off by the sudden squeal. She jumped and inched closer to Sans, throwing her gaze over her shoulder. When she found that it was only Alphys, who seemed just as flustered as Frisk was startled, the human quickly relaxed. She exhaled the breath she had been holding. When the scientist approached, Frisk offered a smile and a wave. Of course, both fell when the term "love birds" left Alphys' mouth. She tensed, a blush instantly blooming on her cheeks. She shook her head, more and more embarrassed as Alphys continued to speak. Luckily for her, Sans put an end to it. She looked between the two, hoping the awkward encounter would be over soon. Her and Sans? [i]Love birds[/i]? Her recent feelings were strange, sure. But certainly that wasn't it. Sans would never see her like that, anyway. Alphys was watching too much romantic anime, again! Frisk could only give a nervous smile as Alphys hurried off. She looked at Sans, but by then he was already continuing down the path. She wiped the smile from her face and carried on just the same. Her heart pounded, and she secretly wished that her blush would fade soon. They walked on in silence, and Frisk didn't seem too bothered by that. In fact, she preferred it after such an event. Her mind was still reeling from such a subject. Alphys didn't know what she was talking about. She just had to tell that to herself. Fortunately, the door to the Ruins came into sight faster than she anticipated. Not only would it save her from being alone with Sans after what Alphys said, it would also be nice to get someplace warm. The cold was starting to bite through her sweater, and she didn't have the nerve to ask for Sans' jacket. Walking up to the door, Frisk knocked and then stood back to patiently wait. Before, she would consider calling Toriel to tell her that they were there. But she had learned long ago that sounds carried well in the hall beyond that door. Toriel didn't need anything else to know of their arrival. It also seemed that the queen had a sixth sense about her when it came to Frisk. Hardly a moment went by before the door creaked open. Frisk smiled brightly as Toriel came into view, and hugged the older woman before she could say her greeting. Toriel chuckled warmly as she wrapped her arms around Frisk in a tight hug. "It is so good to see you, my child." She gave Frisk a squeeze, then looked up to see Sans. "And you too, Sans!" She lifted an arm from Frisk, put it around Sans' shoulders, and gently pulled him in to join the hug. "You too, Mom!" Frisk let herself melt in the monster's arms. She stepped back and straightened out her sweater. Once the hug was over, Toriel stood up straight and stepped aside. She gestured with her arm for the other two to continue towards her home, while she closed the doors behind them.