[center][hider=Manky] [h1][color=f7941d]Manky Connelly[/color][/h1] [IMG]https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/sites/default/files/styles/mw_collection_910/public/photos/20070612-bowman-mw13-016-910.jpg?itok=1vBmsn4P[/IMG] [i]"Have a beer, have a joint!"[/i] -[b]Shaun Ryder[/b][hr] [color=f7941d][b][u]Name:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Jamie Matthew Connelly [/indent] [color=f7941d][b][u]Nickname:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Manky[/indent] [color=f7941d][b][u]Birth Date:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]05/16/1997[/indent] [color=f7941d][b][u]Age:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]18[/indent] [color=f7941d][b][u]Gender:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Male,[/indent] [color=f7941d][b][u]Sexuality:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Heterosexual[/indent] [color=f7941d][b][u]Relationship Status:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Single[/indent] [color=f7941d][b][u]Occupation:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Works in his dad's pub and restaurant as a cleaner and dishwasher.[/indent] [color=f7941d][b][u]In Depth Appearance:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Manky doesn't make much of an impression in his appearance. You'll most often find him in jeans and a t-shirt, with a parka coat on for warmth. His favourite shoes are a pair of comfy Nike trainers, and he is always wearing a beanie hat, of which he has about 5 of different colours that he cycles through. He wears the beanie hat so that a tuft of his thick, curly auburn hair is always protruding from the front. Manky stands at around 6”1, but his constant slouching causes him to appear a couple of inches shorter. He has no piercings or tattoos, though would like to get tattoos one day, but sees it as a big decision so he wouldn’t get them until he found something truly meaningful. [/indent] [center][h1][color=f7941d][u]M Y Q U I R K S[/u][/color][/h1][/center] [color=f7941d][b][u]Habits | Quirks | Oddities[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Manky loves smoking weed, though he mixes it with tobacco to preserve it better. He also loves alcohol, and always shows up to the party with a big bottle of Jameson’s Irish Whiskey and 2 litres of coke. He seems to be more proud of the fact that he’s from Manchester than that he’s from England. Plays guitar and loves Manchester bands like Oasis, Happy Mondays, The Stone Roses and Joy Division He loves peanut butter and would eat a whole jar with just a spoon if allowed to do so. Even though he’s English, Soccer bores him to the point of sleep. However, he still speaks in thick English slang, and is sometimes hard to understand. He also thinks of himself as a bit of a comedian, but his jokes are a bit hit and miss. He claims that when he goes back to Manchester everyone there finds him hilarious. He also swears [i]a lot.[/i] [/indent] [color=f7941d][b][u]Hobbies:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]At least 3.[/indent] Smoking weed Trying to play the comedian Playing his acoustic guitar [color=f7941d][b][u]Likes:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Weed Alcohol Peanut Butter Music from his hometown of Manchester Taking advantage of his English accent to try and pick up girls (which at some point usually goes horribly wrong) [/indent] [color=f7941d][b][u]Dislikes:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]London and the south of England in general People stereotyping him Country Music People who get far too out of hand when drunk or high Being ignored Raves[/indent] [color=f7941d][b][u]Fears:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]The Future Cats in heat (" They just freak me out mate, they're fucking well weird") Having his hair cut [/indent] [color=f7941d][b][u]Personality:[/u][/b][/color] [center][u]♦ Honest ♦ Lazy ♦Creative ♦ Irresponsible ♦[/u][/center] [indent]Manky is a very matter of fact person. He tells it how he sees it and isn’t really bothered if people are offended by it. He doesn’t really have any big dreams or aspirations, having no idea what he should do with his life. He is very talented in both music and art, but doesn’t believe he’s good enough at either to make a career out of it. He is worried about his future even though he’s too lazy and enjoying his life as it is currently too much to do anything about it. Manky is fiercely loyal to his friends and is the first to jump in with fists flying when shit hits the fan. Although he doesn’t go out and intentionally pick fights, he’d be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy a good brawl, especially when he has half a bottle of whiskey in his system to null the pain. Manky is in no way competitive, and lacks any ambition. [/indent] [hr][center][h1][color=f7941d][u]D E F I N I N G M Y P A S T[/u][/color][/h1][/center] [color=f7941d][b][u]History:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Jamie was born in the city of Manchester, England, where his mother and father ran a modernised pub and restaurant in the city centre, above which he lived. He lived there until he was 14, when business in the pub just wasn’t doing well enough. Faced with closing the pub, Jamie’s family had no idea what to do, when his father’s wealthy uncle in America kindly offered to open his own pub in America as a new business venture and employ his mother and father to manage the pub. So the whole family was uprooted and moved to the states for a new life. When Jamie enrolled in school, he would constantly get jokes about the stereotypes of England, to which he would explain there was a big difference between the North and South of England, and that he was a ‘Manc’ from the north of England. From his repeated referring to himself as a ‘Manc’ he eventually received the nickname Manky, which has stuck with him ever since. From the age of 16, he’s worked part time for his Mam and Dad, cleaning the pub and washing dishes. [/indent] [hr][center][h1][color=f7941d][u]M I S C .[/u][/color][/h1][/center] [color=f7941d][b][u]Extracurricular Activities:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Playing guitar That’s about it really, if we’re looking at things that are actually beneficial.[/indent] [color=f7941d][b][u]Extra:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]I did read the rules. But seeing as we’re only a month into the new year I assume I can put up a song from 2015? [youtube] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eklHJeB6mc [/youtube][/indent] [color=f7941d][b][u]Anything Else:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Theme Tune: [youtube] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jySfU10IQu4[/youtube] [/indent][hr][/hider] [/center]