[center][h3]Digimon: Digital Journey[/h3] -:system by [@Tobiax], Remastered by: Iatos. [/center] [i]Intro: Several youths ages 13 to 17 are set to travel to summer camp by buss. Even thought most get on at different stations through out town, their all set for the same destination and while some have travelled further than others all have eventually ended up at this single buss there. The journey goes smoothly, everyone pack their bags into the buss's storage and take their seats. With their different oppinions and seat selections being of little importance at this time, the much greater issue still lay in front of them. It seems like this buss is about to take a pretty large detour through the digital world just as they enter the mountains on the way to the summer camp. On one side the normal world bids you farewell as you pass through the tunnel, bright flashes from lamps quickly turns into a briliant blaze of the sun as evening quickly seem to jump to bright day, and mountains turn into a grassy wide field. The Buss you all ride on stops rather suddenly shaking anyone not strapped down to their seat out of it. A bunch of now confused somewhat hurt youths come to the realization that this buss now have reached its final destination, and that that destination is not where they intended to go... its a place that is not part of your world, and that you now play by different rules are appearent. As you regain your bearings you find a new object on your person, namely a weird device you never seen before. It have a display, a handle and somewhat reasemble some kind of gaming device... at the screen of it as it boots up there's but an single egg that make you think of some kind of tamagochi... it dosen't take long however before this egg seem to fly straight out of the device and into your hands... This is your Digivice, and your Digimon egg of course. Here our story begins... But whom will be the Hero's of our Tale?. [/i] *Remaster Changes so Far. -All Human and Digimon stats start at 1, with 35 points to spend instead of 45 on the 10 stats. All stats including generation need to have at least 1 stat in them or heavy penalties will be suffered including character elimination. -Changed the passive 'weight' stat, into a 'health' stat. which basically control the same thing but accounts for more factors and adds less worry about what digimons should or shouldn't weight.