[center][hr][hr][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Alexis%20Fulgham&name=Redressed.ttf&size=75&style_color=577FF0[/img][hr][hr][img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mavqkhVCV21rsxhev.gif[/img] [b][u]Time:[/u][/b] 8:30 - 10:00 A.M. [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] The Fulgham Residence then Lakeside. [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] Her parents | Ely via text -[@lovely complex] | Everyone else via text[hr][/center]She was up rather earlier than usual during their whole week of break from school. It was almost impossible not to get up since she was so use to it by now. With a slight huff and sigh she had risen up in her bed, sitting on the edge of it. Her eyes lingered over towards the small couch she had in her room and saw that Ely wasn't present and she knew that she wouldn't have just went downstairs and talked to her parents. [color=577ff0][b][i]'Weird.'[/i][/b][/color] She thought to herself while standing upright now and tapping her chin with her index finger. She had grown worried about Ely ever since an unfortunate event happened between the two. It was sad and even heart wrenching to find her with her already passed brother, Brandon, in the tub. Lexi stopped for a moment, closing her eyes to hold back the tears. Lexi walked by her parents bedroom and heard slight noises so they wasn't downstairs, yet and probably won't be for awhile. With a disgusted eye roll, she went back into her room and picked up her cell phone, sending a text to Ely, just to make sure she was okay. [b]To: Ely [color=577ff0]Plz tell me that u r okay.[/color][/b] She sent the text while running her slender digits through her red hair with a sigh. She couldn't really keep up with the actions of Ely, to be honest but she was always there for her - No matter what. While clutching her phone up to her chest, she pondered on whether or not if she should text her ex, Jacen or just wait to meet him later. She bit her bottom lip in deep thought then looked around before placing her phone down and going over to her bathroom, running the shower so it could heat up a little bit. Lexi walked back over to her phone to send out a mass text to all of her friends since she hasn't seen them since that last Friday at school and afterwards. [b]To: The Squad [color=577ff0]Want 2 meet @ Lakeside?[/color][/b] Lexi dared anyone of them to say no because Lakeside was their place to escape and get away for a little while even if they didn't need, still, it was their place to go. She showered and brushed her teeth, not really doing anything to her curly red hair as she slipped into a purple blouse with a matching purple skirt and heels to match. She threw on her blue jean jacket then grabbed her purse and cell phone while slipping out of her room. She walked down the stairs and still see that her parents haven't even made it down yet. Shameful. Lexi just shrugged her shoulders and decided to skip breakfast and just go ahead and make her way to Lakeside. It was their break from school so of course there was going to be no traffic though and no one fluttering the walkways this morning but her and her friends. She just wanted to see them and see what they were up to. Lexi walked to her vehicle, which was a 2002 Maxima and got in then drove to Lakeside. She parked just above the hill then made her trek down to where the bridge was and leaned against the wall underneath the bridge as she'd wait for someone to come. Again, she pondered on texting Jacen because she misses him dearly and still have heavy feelings for him. With another shrug of her shoulders, since she was about to see him in a little bit, she continued being leaned up against the wall and folded her arms over her chest as she waited.