[hr][hr][centre][h1][color=0054a6]Jacen Trauce[/color][/h1][/centre][hr][hr] [centre] [u]Time:[/u] 8:15-10:15 [u]Location:[/u] His Apartment, Lakeside [u]Interacting with:[/u] Erin | Everyone via Text [/centre] [hr] Jacen felt the water run across his head and face from the shower faucet. The water was warm and helped him focus his thoughts. His mind wandered to his current social situation. As of late he had been seing Erin, a member of their friend group. They hadn't really made it public to the friends yet, only Seamus and Ely knew on his side. Seamus because he was like the brother he never had and was the person Jacen always confided in. Ely because she had slept on his couch a few times lately and he'd let her in the loop when she asked. He really wanted to love Erin. He had real feelings for her, but every time he let himself think about love his mind ended up on Lexi. He shut the shower off and stepped out of the shower, the water dripping off of him and pooling on the floor and his bath mat. He pulled on a pair of tan shorts and a blue T-Shirt with a grey button up over it, unbuttoned. He ran his hands through his wet hair and stepped out of the bathroom. He heard the chime of his phone emanating from his room so he made his way towards it. The hall towards his room was littered with the various garments that Erin had been wearing the night before. He stepped over her jeans as he entered his room and grabbed his phone off the night stand. [b]TO GROUP: The Crew:[/b] [color=577ff0]Want 2 meet @ Lakeside?[/color] Jacen groaned, Lexi. He had been trying to get her off his mind lately. They had been together just a month before. It was the longest relationship that Jacen had ever had, and the most serious one as well. Due to his messed up past he has serious commitment issues, and was self destructive. He had felt himself truly falling in love with her, and it made him feel scared and vulnerable so he ended it. He didn't have the strength to actually dump her. Instead he had used one of his usual tactics to get her to leave. He had a nature of sleeping around anyways. So at a party He had seduced and hooked up with one of Lexi's friends Ariel. The girl hadn't been a part of their squad/crew/group of friends, but she was a rather close friend of Lexi. Being rather good with computers and such he had found an app on his phone that would automatically call someone at a specified time. He set the time for later that night when he was sure he and Ariel would be deep into the deed. When the clock struck time, he made sure to belt out her name several times, clear enough that his voice could be recognized as the phone called Lexi. He didn't know if she had picked up, or if it had been a voicemail. Either way she had been serenaded to the sound of Jacen and her friend in his apartment' bedroom. She had been a wreck afterwards, but it had ended the relationship. Last he heard Lexi and Ariel were on poor terms now as well. He heard Erin's phone chime a moment after his, and he picked it up tossing it at her head. [color=0054a6]"Wake up."[/color] he said rather bluntly, [color=0054a6]"Lexi invited us to the lakeside. You should probably get dressed and make yourself up a little so they can't quite tell what happened last night."[/color] This would be likely when the rest of the friends learned of their relationship status, seeing as Jacen had picked Erin up the night before and they would have to ride together. He left without listening to what else she would have to say and prepared some breakfast. A bowl of cereal for both of them. [color=0054a6]"Hey good morning."[/color] He said whenever she would walk out, [color=0054a6]"You look nice."[/color] He then slurped down the rest of his cereal and walked towards the door,[color=0054a6] "I'll be in the car waiting for you."[/color] He was being a little short with her, but he was confused. He wanted to love her, but he was still caught up with Lexi. Assuming she would follow him out to the his mustang, he made the quick jaunt from his apartment to the lake side and parked the car away from the rest of theirs. He slowly walked towards the lakeside. He hadn't responded to her text, but he figured she knew he'd be coming. He gave a quick nod when he arrived [color=0054a6]"Morning Esme"[/color] he said, blatantly ignoring Lexi. He moved over to form a sort of triangle with the two of them, and waited for Lexi to come down the hill.