[hr][hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/fUEogP8.png[/img] [hr][hr] Time: 8:30 AM Location: His apartment Interacting With: Gabby via text -[@Aewin] | Everyone else via text [i]Bzzzz. Bzzzzz.[/i] Grant’s eyes opened as he felt his phone--the more up-to-date Android phone placed strategically near his head--aggressively buzzed against his head, suddenly igniting a headache. “[color=#ff4800]Fuck. Stop. [i]Stop.[/i][/color]” He hissed, grabbing the phone and staring at it with fuzzy vision. The brightness from the phone didn’t just annoy him, it [i]burned[/i] him. With a dissatisfied groan as he was roused from his half-dead state much more quickly than he would have preferred, the very, very hungover Grant punched in a reply to the group text. [color=#ff4800][b]To: Homies[/b] ‘[i]im fcging coming. bt yherw whn mow alive[/i]’[/color] Grant paused and stared at his phone screen for a second before shrugging and sending it. At least two people in the group spoke hungover, they could decipher it for the others. Sitting up, Grant decided that there was no point in going back to sleep. Lexi would throw a fit if he didn’t go now. He reached down under the bed and grabbed his bottle of good old fashioned American whiskey, pouring it into the shot glass on his bedside table. He gazed at the amber liquid for a few seconds, deciding if he really wanted to take it dry. “[color=#ff4800]...Screw it. No better cure for a hangover.[/color]” Grant smiled to himself and grabbed the glass, tipping it half of its contents down his throat. As the fire burned through his body, Grant shook his arms and legs out, suddenly feeling a lot more awake as he went through his contacts again, this time selecting Gabby’s, and shooting her a text. [color=#ff4800][b]To: Bae[/b] ‘[i]Hey, baby ;)[/i]’[/color] It was a simple text, but he texted her almost every morning after he woke up. Just a way to let her know he wasn’t dead, yet. He reached around under the bed again, this time snatching a bottle of pills. He read the label carefully, wanting to be certain he wasn’t about to chew his way to his own death. ‘[i]Adderall[/i],’ the label read. Nodding confidently, he dumped a couple of them into his hand and popped them into his mouth. Chewing the pills happily, he drank the rest of his Jack Daniels and stood up. Now he’d [i]really[/i] be awake by the time he got to lakeside to meet his group. He looked down at his clothes, pulling the shirt up to his nose and giving it a good old fashioned sniff test. “[color=#ff4800]This’ll work. Ain’t got time for a shower anyway.[/color]” Looking down, he mentally congratulated his drunken self for remembering to put on clean pants for bed. Smiling, he headed down the stairs and toward the door. “[color=#ff4800]Guess it’s time to rock’n’roll.[/color]”[/center]