[hr][hr][centre][h1][color=82ca9d]Esmeralda Anna Alves[/color][/h1][/centre][hr][hr] [centre] [u]Time:[/u] 10:15am [u]Location:[/u] Lakeside [u]Interacting with:[/u] Jacen - [@Prudence] and Ely - [@lovely complex] [/centre] [hr] [color=82ca9d]"Hey you!"[/color] Esme beamed hugging Ely. It had only been less than a day but she still acted as if she hadn't seen the group in years. It was impossible not to notice the tension between Jacen and Lexi but Esme chose to carry as if everything was okay and normal; maybe some cheery attitude would rub off on the two of them. [color=82ca9d]"Thank you for recognising the cuteness of my booty, it is very under appricated,"[/color] she teased, wiggling her hips a little She released Ely with a nod and hugged Jacen as well, they were best friends he should be used to her over active affection by now. [color=82ca9d]"Hey, how you doing?"[/color] Esme asked, standing up on her tiptoes to try and compensate for her shortness and get somewhere resting her head on his shoulder. She knew that was still something between him and Lexi but it wasn't her place to meddle, even though Esme really liked meddling. It was her sacred duty to give her friends somewhere to go and someone to talk to where you could forget about all this relationship drama. Esme missed the days when no one dated within their friendship group; the group incest just wasn't worth it in her eyes. Esme thought back to the days where they wouuld come down here after school and play football or skim stones instead of drinking and drugs. Sometimes she missed those trouble free days, there was nothing to worry about, yet she wouldn't change a think about how they had grown together. These guys were her family and she loved them all, some more than others but she loved them all!