[center][url=http://fontmeme.com/handwriting-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Gabriella%20Erin%20Chase&name=KGYouWontBringMeDownBold.ttf&size=80&style_color=02B3A1[/img][/url] [IMG]http://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m1iaslDx5D1r9n0vm.gif[/IMG][/center] [center][u]Time[/u]: 8:30AM - 10:15AM [u]Location[/u]: Jacen's apartment, then at the Lakeside. [u]Interacting With[/u]: Jacen [@Prudence] and Grant via text [@Universorum] [/center] [hr] There was a grumble beneath the tower of blankets as a phone collided with the headboard, right above the blanket. Not a moment later, a blonde head peeked out, eyes barely opened and makeup smudged. There was a small mutter - mostly her swearing under her breath - as Erin tried sitting up on the bed without falling straight back asleep. Last night was quite the intense one. She winced at the dull throb, both in her nether regions [i]and[/i] her head. [color=00a99d]"Fantastic, bloody hangover."[/color] Erin pressed the heel of her palm against her forehead, sitting up as she tried getting used to the waking world once more. She peeked her eye open once more, watching as Jacen roamed around the apartment. [color=00a99d]"So what crawled up your ass and died this morning?"[/color] Erin asked, her voice still heavy with sleep. By now, she was sitting up on the bed, leaning against the headboard with just the thin blanket covering her bare body beneath. Erin rolled her eyes as Jacen just ignored what she said, clicking her tongue before slipping out of the bed. Erin casually - or as casually as possible, for someone suffering from a case of the [i]worst[/i] hangover in the world - made her way towards the bathroom. Grabbing her discarded clothes on her way, the girl quickly called out [color=00a99d]"when I'm done, there better be a towel ready for me."[/color] Erin didn't take too long during her shower, making sure she didn't use Jacen's body wash so it wouldn't be quite obvious she had spent the night over. Stepping out with a fresh towel wrapped around her body, Erin headed towards Jacen's closet, digging through a corner where she had left some of her spare clothes in case of a situation like this. There was no way in hell Erin was walking out wearing the same shirt and underwear. Erin slipped on a loose, grey t-shirt over her thin frame, the shoulder dipping ever so slightly to reveal a black strap beneath. Next, she slid into an old, frayed pair of dark denim shorts before wearing a plaid red and black button up over her shirt, leaving it unbuttoned to give her the 'ruffled' look - not that she purposely aimed for it anyway. [i]Buzzz![/i] Erin sighed. Walking over to the messy bed, the girl grabbed her phone, peering down at the blinking screen. She raised an eyebrow at the notification, [color=00a99d][i]'someone's miss popular today.'[/i][/color] Erin huffed under her breath, before responding to the second text she had, the recipient being none other than Mister Jackass himself. [color=#ff4800][b]To: Jackass[/b][/color] [indent][i]u better be going to the crew meetup[/i][/indent] Sending off the message to Grant, Erin slipped her phone in her back pocket, before making her way out to meet with Jacen. She raised an eyebrow at his compliment, but decided not to say anything as Jacen left to wait in the car. [color=00a99d]"Yup, something definitely crawled up there."[/color] Erin muttered to herself. She barely had a spoon of the cereal, instead grabbing a glass of water and downing it, before following behind Jacen. The car ride was silent. Erin decided not to comment about it, a nice deed coming from her. She guessed it was probably due to Lexi being there at the get-together. They arrived not too long later, Erin stepping out of the car. At first, she was disappointed to see Grant not being there, but she smirked when she saw Ely. [color=00a99d]"Everybody's looking chipper today, did I miss a memo?"[/color] She asked, not really expecting an answer.