[@Rechonq] Cia looked up at Landon with a look of surprise. "I-It really is you!" Cia said with a smile of pure joy on her face. She hadn't seen him in so long. She had spent 30 years mourning however within the world she was in she found that time passed much slower. It felt like she was mourning for a single year rather than 30. Cia stood up with wobbly legs. She was still very weak from her time in a healing dimension it seems as she didn't really use her legs that much. Cia fell into Landon's arms with a smile still on her face. "I missed you so much! I'm so glad I'm back!" Cia said overjoyed. It was almost as if the whole disaster had never happened. Flemmings in the meantime had been working with the Dej by creating their portals that lead to different places within the world. He had helped to create a few crystals as well that would teleport his citizens to the city immediately if the had come into any danger. [@otomosthecrazy] Really? Again? Sheogorath finally showed his face again. After he had created a god of science he was finally back to creating havoc. He was currently in greece. He was trying to trade what seemed to be a mammoth made of cheese for what seemed to be a giant bead. None of it made sense to either side. Why would he want a giant bead? It never made any kind of sense what he did but that was the fun of it now wasn't it? Aside from the giant mammoth of cheese had actually had [url=http://img01.deviantart.net/bbfe/i/2009/250/e/8/haskill_by_anastasia_n.jpg]Haskill[/url] with him. The pair certainly stood out. Many of the Duskicians were gathering around and it was creating quite a commotion. It was the biggest cheese mammoth in known history after all. [@actraiserthereturned] Dejor had recently set his sights on the humans. He had been wanting to start his attacks on the humans for awhile now. His forced were quite capable of taking down the humans and finishing them off. After all this world didn't need the humans anymore. Once those creatures started to create weapons they would dominate once more and the world would go back to the way it was. Dejor had a smile on his face as he ordered the Neja to go after the humans. Dejor was familiar enough with warfare that he knew to cut off their food first. They went after the farms created by the humans also cutting off whatever portals that would let the humans escape. A war had begun and the Deja were a vicious group that knew to cut off the food first. There would be casualties on both sides but possibly on the humans even more.