[center][hr][hr][h1][color=a2d39c]Otis Cooper[/color][/h1][hr][hr][img]http://images.goodfood.com.au/2014/12/31/6129446/Article%20Lead%20-%20wide6436756312bmakimage.related.articleLeadwide.729x410.12bmbv.png1420781617201.jpg-620x349.jpg[/img] [b][u]Time:[/u][/b] 10:00 - 10:20 A.M. [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] His parents' house, then Lakeside [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] His step-dad | Everyone else via text[hr][/center] Otis had failed to notice the numerous texts whizzing about in the group chat which his phone desperately tried to notify him of. He could have blamed his ignorance on all the hard work he had done the night before, and to his late bed time. But then he would be lying. As a matter of fact, he had went to sleep rather early, and the only work he'd done was babysitting his sister, and even then all that took was a TV and a rerun of [i]'Rambo'.[/i] His eyes fluttered open before he reached over to his bedside cabinet and retrieved his phone. His eyes, only half open, stared at the numerous messages that lay before him. The main one was, of course, from Lexi. [b]To: The Squad [color=577ff0]Want 2 meet @ Lakeside?[/color][/b] He mumbled something incoherent as he slide out of bed. He rubbed his head, before sweeping back his long hair over his head and putting on [url=https://img1.etsystatic.com/061/0/9919365/il_570xN.787629873_5yms.jpg]one[/url] of his many hats. He rubbed his eyes with his spare hand, before replying to the text. [b]To: Frienderinos [color=a2d39c]Sounds cool, be there in a bit.[/color][/b] He flipped on the old record player in the corner of his room as he got dressed. The familiar noise of Paul Weller's voice filled the room as [url=https://youtu.be/7m94ip38UKs?t=7][i]The Style Council[/i][/url] began spinning on the player. Of course, Otis did a small dance as he dressed, enough to express his love for the song, but small enough so that he could actually put on clothes without flinging them around his room. He put on a green flannel with the sleeves rolled up, a pair of dark blue jeans and a pair of old sneakers. As he finished dressing, he began ritually patting himself down in search of his metaphoric holy grail. He let out a loud sigh as he moved over to his drawer. None were in there. This was troubling. Especially since he just refilled his supply the night before. Anger grew on his face, an unlikely change, as he threw open his door and began stomping down the stairs. His southern accent broke the serenity of silence as he spotted his step dad. [color=a2d39c]"The fuck did you do with my cigs, Llewellyn?"[/color] He shouted. His step dad looked up from his paper, before lowering his glasses and replying. "Your mother and I have decided that it is not healthy for you, or anyone within the house for you to continue smoking" He said calmly, raising his glasses and going back to his paper. "And stop calling me, Llewellyn, my name is Lewis and you know it is." The anger only grew on Otis' face as he marched over, grabbed the paper and flung it across the room. [color=a2d39c]"I swear to the holy ghost if you don't give me back my cigs-"[/color] He spoke, before being interrupted. "You'll what? Beat me up? We both know you won't." It seems, Lewis, or Llewellyn was able to call Otis' bluff. He would never beat up the scrawny man who called himself his step father, not until his mother finally saw sense and divorced the fool. Otis stared him down for a moment, before storming off to the garage. There was one place that they couldn't get his cigs from. A small lock box on the foot of his dirt bike contained at least 2 packets of his favourite brand. He quickly unlocked the box and retrieved a packet before sliding a cigarette from said packet and lighting it. Smoke trailed behind him as he biked his way down to Lakeside, now much more calm than he was previously. He could spot the group from a short distance away, and stopped to a halt near them before getting off of his bike and greeting the group. [color=a2d39c]"Sup nerds"[/color] He jested.