[hr][hr][centre][h1][color=0054a6]Jacen Trauce[/color][/h1][/centre][hr][hr] [centre] [u]Time:[/u] 10:45 [u]Location:[/u]Lakeside [u]Interacting with:[/u] Ely | Erin | Lexi | Esme | Grant | Seamus[/centre] [hr] [color=8882be]"Well you're an ass."[/color] That had been the first greeting he got upon arriving at the teens' special spot under the bridge by the lake. It had been from Ely, who was like a pseudo sister to him, so he hadn't taken offence to it. For a moment he considered feigning misunderstanding at the comment, but opted to play it a little more honest. [color=0054a6]"My bad.. Lexi."[/color] He said, hesitating to speak her name.[color=0054a6] "I didn't see you standing there. Good morning. Sleep well? How are you doing? Do anything fun yesterday?"[/color] He put a little extra edge in his voice, reaching borderline sarcasm. He hadn't talked to her much in the month leading up to the current day since their breakup. He had held smaller get togethers of their group of friends, usually leaving Lexi out. The entire time that he had addressed her he had kept his vision down and then he looked up and clenched his teeth as he locked eyes with her. He kept his face taut and under control, but anyone looking him in the eye would see the pain in his eyes. The whole time his interaction with Lexi had been going down Erin had been making her way towards the group. They had staggered their arrival times just a bit to try to keep people from assuming she had spent the night at his home, though when they got ready to leave everyone would know they rode together. As he watched the blonde approach Esme wrapped her arms around him in a greeting. He flashed a warm genuine smile he hadn't worn all day to the greeting and ruffled her hair a little. [color=0054a6]"Hey back. I'm okay."[/color] He squeezed her harder and repeated [color=0054a6]"I'm okay."[/color] before letting her go. He forced a smile onto his face when Erin arrived. He hugged her and kissed her cheek "Good morning Erin. You look nice this morning." He was trying to put a little extra sweet in his voice to get at Lexi, but it was forced. He felt his phone buzz in his pocket and released the hug, fishing it out instead. He saw a message from Seamus on the lockscreen and opened it straight away. [color=007236] "Hey, I need to talk to you about something. Can we talk when I get to the Lakeside?"[/color] [color=0054a6] "Sure thing man."[/color] he sent back [color=0054a6]"Lexi and Erin are both here and I'm feeling pretty uncomfortable anyways. Get your ginger ass over here ASAP."[/color] As Otis was approaching he could hear his friend giving them a greeting, but then he saw Grant run down with something in his hand calling Erin's name. He stayed where he was with Esme and Ely, but listened in as the two stepped away from the group. Jacen could definitely be classified as a hypocrite. He smoked weed and drank beer, but he couldn't stand the thought of Erin taking adderall, [i]especially[/i] Grant's adderall. Likewise, he hated cigs. The conversation was sounding pretty boring, with Grant teasing her for access to the bag until he heard the guy make his move. [color=ed1c24][i]"Kiss first. Then treat."[/i][/color] His eyes narrowed. He wasn't. He was not making a move on his girl. Grant was one of the few people that knew they were together, from Erin having told him. Grant had always been a bro, and the two had spent many a night playing the latest FPS game until the next morning, or bing watching sci-fi and action movies. Jacen had known that his friend was hot for Erin as well, but this was a step farther. [color=0054a6][i]She won't go for it. She's my girlfriend.[/i][/color] He saw Grant's eyes glance over to him, almost with a smug look of satisfaction. There was a pause, and then Erin spoke again. After she called him an ass he was sure there was no way that she was going to go through with it. Sure Jacen slept around, even when he was in a relationship, but the thought of it being turned back on him appalled him. She glanced over her shoulder looking at Jacen, and then turned around and did the deed. He couldn't tell if the shoulder glance was a look of remorse, or a taunt. Whatever it was didn't matter. The act, the kiss she planted on Grant left him stunned. [color=0054a6][i]I haven't even cheated on her..yet.[/i][/color] His eyes were locked on the pair for the entire duration of the kiss, burning the image of his girlfriend kissing one of his closer friends. The couple stayed locked in their embrace for what felt like hours to him, but was really just 30 seconds. He flipped his middle finger up at the pair, hidden behind Ely's back so that Lexi and Esme wouldn't be able to see, but Grant definitely would. He was so furious he was beyond words. Of course he considered marching up and pushing Grant and his slimy mouth off of her and asking her what the hell she had been thinking. But he opted to just silently turn around and focus back on Lexi. The entire time they had been together they had kept it a secret. Jacen had said he didn't want to make Lexi think that he had cheated on her with Erin. Erin had said she didn't want to rub salt in Lexi's wound. In reality they were both making excuses because they were noncommittal and drawn in other directions. He balled his fists in his pocket and clenched his teeth trying to ignore Erin's gaze. He knew she had glanced over at him, but he wasn't going to look over at her. [i]Seamus needed to hurry up and get here.[/i]