Garret thought for a moment. He wasn't much of a fighting man, but watching a few battles against the Crawl take place on earth, he knew a thing or two about fighting it. "I'm glad you have a station with that kind of ability, Godwin, if I may call you that." He looked at the fish in their indoor pond. "If The Crawl or pieces of it ever found their way in, we'd need laser or fire weapons to kill them. Bullets and small explosions don't do much good." He spoke, remembering watching an entire squadron of soldiers with assault rifles being torn to shreds by dead flesh, whereas he survived an encounter with a small sample of The Crawl by finding a laser pistol. "With that in mind, we need to train not only in human to human warfare, but fighting against The Crawl, too." He looked at the atrium they passed, nightmarish thoughts of crawling rot throughout the station flickering through his thoughts. "We'll need to have the ability to fight the Crawl if we ever encounter it while scrounging in abandoned stations, as well. Pieces of it can survive the vacuum of space almost indefinitely. If we saw an outbreak of it, we'd need it crushed immediately." He stood. "A proposition. We'll start shipping crops to your station immediately, but if you can start producing laser weapons and training my people in how to use them, perhaps we can work out something more."