Shona had quickly fallen in step behind the others as they followed the Jacquo – the colonel’s 2IC? His adjutant? She wasn’t quite sure. The young bat pulled off her sunglasses as they entered the shadowed interior of the cruiser, deftly hooking one arm over her BDU’s breast pocket as she listened to the red panda’s instructions. She’d never served on a landcruiser before, so even though she’d read up on the regulations before arriving she was glad to get an intro from someone with first-hand experience. The ship’s narrow, low ceilinged corridors weren’t much hindrance to the diminutive bat, a face she noted with a wry smile. Soon enough, they were shown to their quarters and essentially told to stay there for now. Fair enough, she thought, easily imagining the traffic jams that would inevitably occur if they started bumbling around while the crew were working. Shona’s ears perked up as the low rumble of the ship’s turbines filled the air, and she couldn’t help but grin. This is exciting! She quickly darted into one of the side rooms and tossed her kit onto a bunk, making her way out into the common area. There had to be a porthole or viewing window around here somewhere, right? The preoccupied bat jumped as a loud whistle sounded from somewhere behind her, the noise particularly piercing to her sensitive ears. She winced and turned in the direction of the sound, raising one eyebrow as she spotted the tiger and fox standing nearby.