[b]Ba'al and Teal'c, Ha'tak, Central USA, Arcadia-1[/b] The new arrival on the comms was a tad distracting, and while it was interesting the sentiments expressed were more than a bit worrying for a self expressed god. It seemed that Ba'al would have to place less emphasis on that going forward, lest some sort of incident develop. But that was alright, they would recognize his position and the loyalty that he held soon enough. All of them would. "I suppose you may have access to a multitude of universes," Ba'al ceded as the answer finally came from the leaders of the Alliance. "I, however, have fully subjugated those galaxies under my influence. Something I doubt you can claim. But very well, I am glad to hear that, and look forward to meeting face to face." With that he would cut off the connection, ending the call. That done, he rose from his seat, stepping forward. "Come, Teal'c. Let us meet with this Alliance, and see if they live up to their professed strength." He turned and headed off the bridge, moving towards the hangar bay. "Yes Lord Ba'al," Teal'c agreed, following after him. Together they would move to the hangar bay and enter a [url=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/stargate/images/a/af/Teltac.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090311210238]Tel'tak[/url] with an escort. It would depart the Ha'tak and head for the landing zone, soon arriving. It was time to meet with the Alliance of Conquerors, and Ba'al was definitely looking forward to it. He needed to know his potential enemies, and this would be the best way. And if a union against a common enemy could be reached, so much the better. [hr] [b]Saten Ruiko, Conablum Labs[/b] Ruiko would admit that she was more than a bit glad when reinforcements showed up courtesy of Nova, as he proved that he still was willing to protect them. if she were to be honest she doubted that she could have fought off all the foes present, bravado notwithstanding. Nonetheless she didn't let up with her alertness, especially with all the enemies surrounding them at the moment. Only a fool would do that, and after going up against AntiSkill and Judgment, as well as Mikoto, meant that she was no fool. Absolis' intervention was unexpected, the sword thrown between her and Banha. For a moment she was worried that he would attack them, only for him to renounce all allegiance to them before leaving. She might have followed,were it not for Eto being right between them and the exit portal. "I'm sorry," she called after Absolis, voice raw and charged with emotion. She hadn't meant it, hadn't wanted to do it. But she had done it anyway. That made her as guilty as Nova. Her gaze snapped back to Cyano then as the woman began to speak, seemingly relishing in the destruction that had been caused. It only reaffirmed that this lady was a sociopathic nutjob as far as Ruiko was concerned, even as the tacks were dug into her wounds. "I told you to shut up," Ruiko shot back. "This is all your fault!" She so wanted to punt Cyano into a wall, or smash her with her Aero Hand powers. But she had to keep restrained for the moment. Besides, it wouldn't do anything anyway even if it was satisfying. They would make this right, somehow. That said, the approach of the Ethereal caused her to shy back, even as the lance was formed. She couldn't fight that, and knew it full well. "We didn't come here to steal anything," she protested. "We wouldn't even have considered it if [i]someone[/i]-" she glared at Eto and Cyano, "-Hadn't decided to attack us on sight for the fun of it." It was at that point that Eto began to speak, mocking her and providing a heavier weight upon her mind. Yes, she had messed up, but what was she supposed to do! The incident kept replaying itself, what she might have done differently, what could have been changed, how they could have escaped without using the fulgurite to do so. "You attacked us," she yelled back, anger and grief and depression rolled into a volatile mix. "We had the right to defend ourselves even if death doesn't exist here or whatever! That's not an excuse. Do you just butcher anyone who bothers to come to your door?!? How the hell can you work with people like that!" The last was aimed at the Ehtereal, though she hardly expected an answer to it. It was obvious that it thought in methods she couldn't comprehend, so she wouldn't even bother to try. Then, most aggravatingly, Eto simply walked past as if nothing had happened, like it had just been some casual disagreement. And she didn't know what infuriated her more; what she had done, or the sheer arrogance and casual disregard that was so similar to the Level 5's back in Academy City. They never considered the consequences or how it might affect other people, they were just interested in their own desires and their own amusement. Her foot slammed down as she folded her arms across her chest, even as Banha made moves to talk things out or follow them. "No," she replied with a shake of her head, body trembling with radiating energy. "After everything your group has said and done to us, give me one reason why I should bother to listen to you and anything you might have to say instead of just leaving right now. It's obvious where you stand on this whole thing."