For the past few weeks I've been hoping through some of the free games I've collected through PlayStation Plus, both on PS3 and Vita, and it's gotten me curious on what games have been interesting and what games have failed to grasp me as much. To put it into perspective I am at the moment playing Beyond Good and Evil HD, and I am loving it. The story may be weak, the graphics are blocky and janky, the game play is occasionally buggy, but I am having so much fun. However not too long ago I bought Wolfenstein: The New Order and got a little bored, only completing the game because I paid for it. So why is it that some of these newer games can't seem to grasp a player as much as the older ones? I'm surely not the only one that thinks this, but in the age of modern gaming with HD resolution and realism, you'd think they'd naturally feel better in immersion. Thoughts? (And by no means am I saying 'all' modern games bad)