[hider=Erickson] [center][h1][color=f26522]Erickson[/color][/h1][/center] [center][h3][color=f26522]Stamina 4/4 - 1000 HP[/color][/h3][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Erickson of the God Eaters [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Physical description:[/b] Erickson appears a savage in many ways, in his size and face. Standing at the height of 7'2, there are those who would call him 'giant', but his size is not all there is to him. His face is surprisingly clean shaven, nought but stuble is commonly found, but his hair is kept long, his curly brown hair often dirty from travel, and those who look closely may find bloodstains. His eyes are hazel, the large brown-green orbs carry a piercing gaze, and often his large features appear absent, or angry. His nose is rather crooked, having been broken long ago and healed incorrectly. Aside from this however, he is largely free of scars or other blemishes, and aside from his intimidating sized he could be called handsome. His body itself is far more scarred than his face, and rippling with a strength bellying his size. [b]Birthplace:[/b] Eteria, Orpheus [b]Magic user:[/b] No [b]Armor:[/b] The heavy full plate of the God Eaters (has a shield), In addition the Gore red cloak of the God Eaters as well as red undercoat are added to this. The Golden toothed mouth of the Order is on his cloak and shield [hider=Armor] [img]http://pre15.deviantart.net/e999/th/pre/i/2015/337/7/0/rusty_giant_knight_from_the_hills_of_something_by_edwarddelandreart-d9h53ns.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Stamina rating:[/b] 4/4 [b]Weapons:[/b] His primary weapon is a rather large and thick Steel longsword, his secondary or back-up weapon is a more ordinarily sized longsword (he carries two in case he loses one, a sheathe on either side of his waist, larger blade on left hip, smaller on the right) [b]Personality:[/b] Erickson seems to many a sullen and serious man, slow to jest or smile and quick to jeer or insult. Many also consider him to not be particularly bright, taking his size as a sign that he is a dullard or halfwit, this is not true. While of only average intelligence he is no fool, and he has a cool head and approaches all things with collected thoughts. It takes alot to anger the giant, but one sure fire way to do it is to show gratuitous weakness. Erickson does not respect men or women who lack strength, physical or otherwise. If a man cannot defend himself, one way or another, he deserves to be taken advantage of(a popular opinion in the God Eaters). Despite all this, he is not evil, he has values and a personal code. For one, he refuses to fight anyone woefully unable to match him and far beneath his ability. He is also a trustworthy man, who has very rarely broken his word for he believes a man's word is all he has, if he cannot be trusted no one will respect, fear or love him. He has a surprising soft spot for cripples, believing the fate visited upon them to be cruel and unfair, as if fate cheated them their strength. [b]History:[/b] The God-Eaters, a name rightly feared throughout Zenith, for they eat beasts and those they deem worthy. Many call them cannibals and brigands, Erickson called them heroes. From a young age he heard of their exploits, their strength, their power. Bornn in Orpheus, Erickson killed his mother when he was born, to large for her to deliver without complication. His father was a cuthroat and a thief, who realized his son had a talent by the time he was 8, his size. By the time Erickson was 12 he was already almost 6 feet tall and still groing. His father tried to hire his son on to several mercenary groups, to convince him to make money this way, but Erickson was undeterred from his dreams. He sought out the God Eaters, finding their great fort and throwing his name in as a recruit. As was tradition, he was thrown into the great fighting pit with several other hopefuls, and told he could not leave until the others were all dead, and eaten. He killed his three fellows and devoured their corpses over a day and a half of gluttonous rage. He was deamed worthy, and made a squire. He traveled this way until the age of twenty, when he was finally Knighted after passing the final test of strength. Since then, he has brought blade and lance to the those the God Eaters are paid to kill, but now a new oppourtunity has arisen. The ICC begins an expedition, to discover the origin of the God-like beings the Eaters search for. He signed up with them, for he already KNEW the secret, as all God Eaters due, and this expedition may bring an end to his quest when he devours the ones who have attined what the ICC searches for. [b]EXTRAS:[/b] Carries a small bag of bones on his person at all times [b]Motivation:[/b] Erickson is driven by what all God-Eaters are, the dream of devouring one of the magical beings who feels no ill effect from using magic, to ascend to their height. However, Erickson also has a few more grounded hopes, namely to find someone worthy of his respect and love to marry and sire heirs should he fail in his quest as many before him have(he understands this may be difficult with the traditions of the God Eaters being what they are) [b]Significant relations:[/b] Sir Torrent - The Knight who trained him and taught him the ways of the God Eaters [/hider]