So, it turns out, my internet is going to be out for a while. And since I can't post on my phone, I'm gonna have to end the roleplays that I'm in right now. Much to my dismay. So I'll just give like, possible endings and y'all can do as you will. I'll probably be back in two weeks to a month, and I don't want y'all being held up too long. [@Gun] Let's just say Bita just kept walking past Gun, and flew off into the stars. Since I kinda need her alive for when I get back. [@DJAtomika] [@Skallagrim] Let's say Feidlimid dropped unconscious from bloodloss after the first few shots. So you two can continue. He can die or be left unconscious. [@ShidenBlades] Let's say you beat him with the flashbang, since I don't use him very often anyway I don't mind if he dies. [@MelonHead] I really apologize for this one, we could have finished it before my internet went out but I was an asshole and focused on another RP. [@Rilla] Let's go with: The shot clipped him in the stomach and launched him out of the train. Short and simple. Besides, this might be good for me. I kinda need to focus on saving up money so I don't wind up homeless once the lease runs out. I'll still be able to chat and stuff, though probably not often, but I can't roleplay.