Guess so. Depends on the type of slime... but whateve . Well as I stated earlier you need at least one Generation otherwise you can't exist. Its like 1 bit of data you need... xD But sure... if you want your digimon to try to tackle your foes for the rest of the Rp, be my guest... especially when you got 1 power. The digivice design look like... the ones in Digimon adventure 2. Hand held thing really... Besides if Generation is such a useless stat and you can survive without it. I suggest removing it completely and Use Experience or something to buy Techniques. On another note. Who the Hell... packs a Winter Jacket and Gloves for summer camp?... ITS SUMMER!... SUMMER..... like 25 celsius. Its not like your going skiing anytime soon except on the off chance you visit the mountains far far away.