[h2]Banha Akiyama[/h2] [h3]Conablum Labs[/h3] [@Flamelord] [@Savato] [@Absolis] [@Pirouette] [@thewizardguy] [hr] Banha made a move to try and reassure the girl, to try and coerce her into going further. But her body language and facial expression just said it all. She had made up her mind and she wasn't going to change her opinion. He changed his gaze back to the Ethereal and bowed deeply. "I am sorry but my escort has chosen not to go through with the mission. I am unable to disagree with her nor carry on the mission without her. I apologise but we must leave." He hated this. Turning his back on the mission. But Ruiko was the leader and the soldier must follow. Even if their orders jeopardised the mission itself. He motioned for the Deathwatch to follow them through the still active portal before walking up to his escort and grabbing her arm. He walked towards the portal before turning, bowing once more and now forcing the girl to bow with him. Rising, he gestured for Rivard to go through before whispering in her ear. "Ruiko-sama, I do not believe Nova is the type to scold one for abandoning a mission but please. Be careful next time. These Outliners may have been allies but there is no chance now. Our organisation is alone and even with Nova, our forces are weak. This is a war and we need allies." He glanced back at the group as he was leaving. "Even when they are led by a group sociopaths."