It seems that most of the other hunters were already here! Vapjo opened his visual link and quickly displayed the information over an integrated lense. Only he would be able to see the visual displays of his soon going to be teammates. He quickly skimmed of er the informations. A Rodian of a rather large clan. He is with the guild and seems a natural tracker and a good shot. A Bith? Well a rather average shooter, which is remarkable if you consider their eyesight, seems to know some jedi kravmagar-judo-mumbo, so dangerous up close. He had problems with the trade federation in the past but even the guild couldn't get much info on that. Next was a Rattataki who was brought to the guild by Nikros! He is a do goody and something in the history between those two didn't seemed to add up but well since Nikros always followed the creed...the Guild dropped the investigation rather quickly! Last but not least came someone from Dathomir, interesting fellow who seems to close in on his victims by using stealth, a bulky fellow! Vapjo wondered how some people could not see him coming.... It remind him of the Bith who was just seconds ago, trying to glimpse up to some dancers pants and nearly got his nose fried by the energy field protection of the cages. Greenhorns? Aside from the Rodian this looked even worse, now he just had to find a way to cut himself off the Rodian's stench! While their tracking skills are really nothing to mess with and their "Hunt Sport" is also remarkable so is also their ability to stench like a Taunton's innards! Vapjo killed two drinks in a row before he pushed himself from the bar counter, he rose his hands before him, his palms deflecting every further attempt to talk to him while he does so. This was his time to talk! "Someone else get the blind Bith over here and also that Rattataki" He said to the Rodian in their language. Vapjo pointed to the two lovely birds who just wanted to share a drink. With that said he headed for a free table in a rather distant corner of the bar. They needed discretion and it would be easier for the Bith to understand when they had some distance between them and the DJ. Vapjo sat down and placed a translator unit onto the centre of the table, it would translate most languages into basic and vice versa. Directly after everyone sat down Vapjo also displayed the info he got from Gonzo regarding the mission. "Any further questions? I will lead this mission, the price money is 10.000 credits each! Not more, not less! We will take a ferry over to the Kynachi sector, there we will be provided with a ship. We hunt the pirates and go separated ways! Happy?" Vapjo slapped his hands on the table and looked towards everybody!