[hr][hr][CENTER][H3][SUP]T H O R E A U & W E S T O N[/SUP][/H3][/CENTER][hr][hr][center][sup][I]A Collab between [@Lord Wraith] and [@Hillan][/I][/sup][/center] They were overwhelmed. Zeke couldn't help but notice that the convoy was getting small by the minute. No matter how many he repelled, how many he zapped, the rioters seemed to just keep coming as the mob continued to swarm them. Even Tarvos seemed to be having trouble as the man reloaded his gun for a third time. An expert marksmen, Tarvos had only been aiming at kneecaps and elbows but it wasn't enough to deter the mob. The only thing that would stop them was lethal force but lethal force was a measure that Zeke was not willing to take and Tarvos wouldn't condone. "We have to run." The brogue accent came from behind Zeke as Tarvos took down two more rioters. The gunshots rang in Zeke's ears as he turned to listen to the former commander of H.I.T. while producing a repulsion field. "We won't accomplish anything holding our ground here." Tarvos continued. "We need to get the convoy on the road and regroup. They won't chase us far beyond the city." "Sound enough." Zeke replied as he turned to hurl a lightning bolt. "How do you propose we give the convoy the room?" With a tap on Zeke's shoulder, the rugged hype let his pressence be known. "Sup." Marcus spoke, turning to Tarvos. "Hi Chief." Of course, the commander had sniffed the drunk since he and Gareth had come to the convoy, Marcus's terrible taste in cologne and the alcohol on his breath gave him more than away. "Long time no talk, and what not. We're not gonna win this fight, not with acceptible casualties, anyway." He began, crouching behind cover, to dodge bullets that much to his surprise were repulsed thanks to Zeke's powers. Leaning over to Tarvos, pointing at his empty gun. "Got a spare?" "No point in wasting the ammo." Tarvos grunted. While the help was appreciated he would have preferred it wasn't a washed out former agent of his who struggled with soberity. "Did you forget how to use your particular talents Weston?" Tarvos barked as he motioned to others in the convoy to move back. "A gravity field would be quite the asset about now." "See, problem with that is, you have to pull your people out." Marcus spoke, turning to Zeke again, nodding his head as a greeting. Turning to look at Marcus with a slight expression of awe, Zeke could only utter one haunting word as it suddenly clicked exactly who this alchol soaked man was. "Winnipeg." "Not the time Thoreau." Tarvos growled knowing full well it wasn't in their best interest to trigger Weston's PTSD. "Weston get that field up, repelling the bullets is a novel idea but if they can't move that'd be even better." "Seriously, Cheif T, you best get a move on." The gravity manipulator spoke, peaking onto the battlefield. He really wouldn't have minded if Tarvos had given him more ammo, but this wasn't the time to argue with his former commander. "Lets get this convoy moving people!" Tarvos yelled before turning his head as a sound caught his attention. Suddenly an anguished scream rang out before it was quickly snuffed. The same strange sound suddenly echoed in his ears as it got closer. It was almost like a 'Pop', a bursting of air. And then he saw the source. There was five of them. Appearing out of nowhere, eyes glowing like hell itself as they unleashed what could only be described as laser on the rioters. "No..." Zeke muttered as Tarvos turned to him. "You know them?" "They've already tried to kill me once." Zeke spat as the horrific beings moved towards the group. "I don't know what they are but they're not Hyperhumans." "GET THIS CONVOY MOVING NOW!" Tarvos roared to the others as he motioned to Thoreau and Weston. "You two with me. Forget the rioters, they're the least of our concern at the moment. Protect the convoy at all costs." "Someone trying to kill you, Zekiel? What did they do, dunk you in the water?" Marcus mentioned as he rose up. His eyes lit up with the golden hue with the green tint - the same shade of color that signaled that he was using his powers. "All right. Here goes nothing." Pushing his hands forward, he created a zone of approximately a hundred feet in a diameter where he increased the gravity by a hundred times - forcing every man, woman and hillbilly inside of the area to the floor. Yet, the five beings that had appeared where not inside of the area. Marcus kept holding the field up while following Tarvos. "Zeke, we're taking my ride."