[hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/QQq8QFn.png[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/pKgPmGC.gif[/img][/center][center][u][color=8882be]Time:[/color][/u] 10:15-10:55[/center][center][u][color=8882be]Location:[/color][/u] Lakeside [/center][center][u][color=8882be]Interacting with:[/color][/u] [@HushedWhispers] Before Grant arrives, Ely grabs Lexi's hand and presses on it as a sign of worry and care while Jacen is in their presence being a sarcastic prick. [@Mr_pink] Talking to Oats about next bike riding session Everyone already at lakeside[/center][hr][hr]Ely simply smiled at Esme for accepting her compliment and let her go check on Jacen. Someone had to. That guy was a sex fiend and one day, it would catch up to him. He was a good guy, he just had terrible habits. [center][color=8882be][i]We all have terrible habits.[/i][/color][/center] She stared at her only best friend of the group, to see if the presence of her ex didn't bother her. Lexi was a good girl. A great girl. Better than most of this entire group in all honesty Too good to be caught up in the messes of her friends. She was burdened with the responsibility of taking care of all of them, especially Ely. One day... the young girl tightened her grip on her skirt, the thought of what could potentially happen scared her. One day, Lexi, out of all people, would explode. The weight of her friends is a heavy burden to bare. Lexi was the most stable thing in Ely's life and if Ely, a walking ticking bomb and a train wreck waiting to happen, were to ever cause her best friend heartbreak... let's just say it would be unbelievably hard to continue living in this world. If only Ely could thank her for everything she did. Just two words, "Thank You". Why was it so hard to say? The girl grabbed her friend's hand and pressed on it twice like her brother would, showing Lexie that she cared and even she was capable of worrying. This action was also intended to be a sign to ignore Jacen's sarcasm for like she said earlier, he was an ass. Her ears perked with the sound of the lovely I-Don't-Give-A-Fuck-I-Do-What-I-Want Bitch of the group entered the picture. [quote][color=00a99d]"Everybody's looking chipper today, did I miss a memo?"[/color] - [@Aewin] [/quote] Ely couldn't hate Erin. She was mighty fine for a heterosexual woman, even when she looked like shit from a hangover, and on top of that, she never hid her major inner bitch. Respecting how upfront Erin was, Ely deemed her fit as a fellow comrade to be stupid with. The young girl with colored hair could careless if Erin didn't think highly of her but they both had a mutual agreement that the other was hot - that was enough for the two to be friends. They simply locked eyes but no words came out. The two girls didn't need to say much together, they both knew the other person could be terrible and they equally savored each other's sins. Oats arrived in his bike and said jokingly, [color=ed1c24]"Sup Nerds".[/color] Letting go of Lexi's hand, Ely ushered Otis to them and tipped his hat slightly up, [color=8882be]"Sup Oats".[/color] She grinned with the thought of riding his bike again, [color=8882be]"When's our next sess?"[/color] She looked at his bike like a little kid discovering candy for the first time. Ely always wanted to learn how to ride a motorcycle. They were extremely cool and fast. Yes, definitely fast. Then the major ass of the group made his grand entrance. Ely didn't even need to turn to know he was coming. The douche bag was blasting his music so loud. If it wasn't almost 11AM, he would've woken the entire neighborhood up with his music but hey, that's Grant. Grant will always be Grant. And then... the awkward scene happen. Erin went to him and... those two weren't trying to be subtle at all. [center][i][color=8882be]Very classy.[/color][/i][/center] Biting her lower lip, Ely turned to Jacen and couldn't help notice his veins popping out of his neck. Where was Séamus when you needed him? He was good at keeping Jacen level-headed. They were best friends after all. And then... Manky arrived. "Perfect timing" as always. [quote][color=f7941d]” Moornin’ dick’eads, any you fuckers got a lightuh?”[/color] -[@OfficerHeadbutt][/quote] Her eyes drifted away from his face, immediately bringing her attention back to Otis. She was going to offer Jamie her matches but Séamus, singing his lungs off, to her relief, came to save the day. First he went to her ex giving him his lighter and then he strolled on up to Jacen to calm his nerves - killed two birds with one stone. Séamus was Ely's HERO!