[center][h1]Absolis Rivard[/h1][/center] [hr] [@thewizardguy][@mattmanganon] The responses of the two he came here with fell on deaf ears. He would not respond before entering the portal. Absolis would find himself in the throne room of Novas palace once again. Before him stood someone he did not know, and Nova. The one he was looking for. Absolis would walk up to the pair, and regardless of what they were talking about would cut them both off. It was clear that Absolis was upset, and no doubt Nova would know why. "You, tell me how killing four million people is anywhere near taking down Cyano! Because whatever was going through your mind, it failed. All you did was make it easier for her to get support. So tell me, what did you think you were going to accomplish with that stunt." Absolis held his hand on his sword. Ready to draw it at a moments notice. He would give nova benefit of the doubt, but it was unlikely that anything Nova said would keep Absolis with him.