Rhiannon grimaced at the red stains on her hands and splashed them in the thin layer of water now covering the floor, rubbing them against each other until the blood washed off in swirls of colour. Patting her hands dry against her jean trousers she looked up at Tim who had still not moved from the door. She couldn't tell but he looked like he was in shock, either at the whole being kidnapped situation or the fact her interaction with the corpse had made it impossible to ignore any longer. [color=f6989d]"Well, are you going to get your stuff?"[/color] She asked sharply, her patience with the accountant shortening drastically. In this kind of situation it was meant to be the bloke who took the lead, especially if he was older, but the one she had been stuck with seemed completely immobilised by every little thing. At least her voice seemed to have broken whatever reverie he was in but the man still seemed reluctant to get anywhere near the corpse; if their present environment hadn't been so troubling Rhiannon might have had sympathy but as it was, she had none to give. [color=f6989d]"Fine, let's just leave it all here and go find who those voices belonged to. Maybe they know more."[/color] Splashing through the stale-smelling water she exited the room and turned back down the hall the way she had come; the other way looked like a dead end and she was sure the sounds had come from that way. [color=f6989d]"Come on or I'll leave you behind. You can stay with [i]that[/i] if you really want."[/color] Maybe Tim would have his uses after all; his shock at the body was feeding her irritation and kept her own stomach from splurging its minor contents. And she was sure there'd be a lot more corpses, it just seemed like that kind of place.