I was thinking of something closer to a "small group" style role-play since a 1x1 may not work so well with this (in my opinion) considering the characters. Maybe a 1x1x1, maybe. But then again, that's simply my opinion. These were the setting options I had presented to my partner when we were discussing the details of the plot. I tried to formulate these while keeping in mind that there still needed to be room for new ideas and "growth". [indent][sub][u]Option One[/u] The rogue, a former Omega from another pack miles away, had the unfortunate luck to either: overhear a few other pack mates discuss overthrowing the Alpha(s) or witness them actually kill the Alpha(s). To keep news of the incident from spreading, the group decides to kill him so that he never speaks of what he knows. The now-rogue ran into the new pack's territory in hopes that crossing the border would deter his pursuers, but that backfired when they decided to use the situation against him and begin framing him for the murders. Meanwhile, rumors of his alleged "crime" begin spreading through his former pack. [u]Option Two[/u] The rogue-to-be is actually the illegitimate heir to the Alpha male [u][b]OR[/b][/u] female -as a result of an affair- whose spouse is infertile. This being a said, it's a given that the Betas are next in line to lead the pack. The rogue-to-be, in the meantime, was raised by an Omega pair who was entrusted with the secret. The Beta's offspring discovers this and decides to kill the rogue-to-be. Without fully understanding the situation and startled by this sudden betrayal, he flees. Again, to make sure he's either killed by the humans or by a neighboring pack, the Beta' kid starts framing him for the murders.[/sub][/indent] So depending on which setting is selected, the cast would comprise of the Rogue, Atram Pack's Alpha, a human (or lycan) detective who's head of the investigation, and the Perpetrator(s). That makes 4 characters at the bare minimum, and the numbers build up when you start to add other pack members, authorities, humans, etc... [sub][h3][color=ff0000][b]However, that is merely a hypothetical estimate.[/b][/color][/h3][/sub] Picking one of the above options is not mandatory at all, this is just to show why I wish to make the original plot (clickable link all the way at the top of the page) public. I'm not here to dictate every breath made ;)