[center][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/4/44/Zeltron_Female.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090601102211[/img][/center] [b]Name[/b] - [color=f6989d]Aurine Ornilla[/color] [b]Species[/b] - Zeltron [b]Gender[/b] - Female [b]Age[/b] - 25 [b]Occupation[/b] - Courtesan [b]Appearance[/b] - Aurine has all the telltale genetics of a pure-blooded Zeltron: vibrant pink skin, deep blue hair bordering on jet black that she wears down past her shoulders, and piercing eyes the color of a frozen pond. Like most Zeltrons, with her angular features and facial symmetry, Aurine is easily classified as "conventionally attractive," at least in the eyes of species that prefer humanoids. Her body is her trade, so Aurine makes sure to always remain at peak physical fitness. [b]Apparel[/b] - At work, Aurine dresses herself in only the finest silks and lightweight dresses, many embroidered and jewel-encrusted, most of which were gifts from various suitors. In her personal time, Aurine dresses more casually, although no less revealingly. She can usually be seen wearing a short ribbed leather jacket over a tight-fitting crop top and matching leather pants. She typically abstains from wearing jewelry or obviously valuable clothing, as that's just an easy way to put a target on your back in 3030. [b]Weapons[/b] - While inside Zam's Brothel, Aurine leaves defense to the Mandalorian. However, outside of work Aurine knows better than to traverse 3030 without her trusty [url=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/b/b9/Republic_Blaster.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20091202154253]Merr-Sonn Q2 hold-out blaster[/url] somewhere on her person. Often, she also carries a concealed stiletto vibroknife in the heel of her shoes. [b]Equipment[/b] - Like any resident of 3030, Aurine carries her credit chip with her at all times and occasionally a datapad. [b]Skills[/b] - As one might expect, given her choice of profession, Aurine is a master of seduction. She understands people on an intuitive level and knows how to work them when she needs to. At the same time, she isn't without empathy. As a Zeltron, one of Aurine's strengths is her ability to understand what others are feeling. The natural pheromones she emits are also useful for calming tempers and getting others to relax. [b]Flaws[/b] - Aurine has a tendency towards aimlessness. Others see the Zeltron way of life and think it must be so much fun, pursuing one's whims and living in the heat of the moment. And while some of that is certainly true, there are drawbacks to being a creature of the present. Aurine has flitted from day to day in her life, never stopping to question where any of her choices were taking her. Now, she lives on 3030 and works in Zam's Brothel and has absolutely no plan for her future. She's also a bit prone towards overestimating her ability to talk her way out of any situation. [b]Personality[/b] - Aurine is the life of the party. When you talk to her, you know she's listening. When she laughs at your jokes, it always feels genuine. Even those who have never met her before walk away from interactions with Aurine feeling as though they've known her for years. Aurine is affable, positive, and outgoing. She feels a strong bond with all her sisters in Zam's Brothel and would go to bat for any of them without a moment's hesitation. Though Aurine never lets the harsh realities of 3030 permanently dampen her spirit, she is nonetheless a realist about what it takes to survive this far down from Coruscant's surface. [b]Goals[/b] - As mentioned above, Aurine takes life moment-by-moment. She strives to elevate the interactions with her clients to a level of intimacy they may not be familiar with on Coruscant. Aurine is still searching for her own endgame, but along the way she's more than happy to help her sisters pursue their dreams if she can. [b]Backstory[/b] - Aurine Ornilla was born on Zeltros, the homeworld of her people. The eldest of three daughters, Aurine was never the type to follow rules. In fact, she often had the most fun when she was doing something she wasn't supposed to do. Aurine's family didn't lack for wealth; they came from a long line of successful merchants who peddled their luxury wares to the many tourists on Zeltros. Naturally, then, there wasn't much approval when the teenaged Aurine fell for a younger boy from a common family. The boy had dreams of becoming a renowned artist, of seeing his sculptures adorn the plazas of all the biggest cities in the Core Worlds. The young Aurine was swept up in his passion, and the two resolved to leave Zeltros together. Forsaking her share of the Ornilla fortune, Aurine joined with the would-be artist as the two embarked on the great adventure. Sadly, the adventure was short-lived. As it so often does with idealists, the galaxy chewed up Aurine's boyfriend and spit him back out. The money they had saved for the trip lasted the pair but a few short months. The now despondent artist suffered another blow as his relationship with Aurine dissolved. Realizing that what they had was only ever the passion of youth, Aurine decided to break it off in favor of her own path. She knew there would be a place for her on Zeltros if she returned with contrition in her heart, but she had no intention of doing so. Rocky as her introduction to the galaxy was, Aurine couldn't help but revel at the sense of adventure that spacefaring brought. An opportunity to see more of the galaxy presented itself in the form of a luxury liner seeking new escorts. With her Zeltron heritage, Aurine was natural fit, and she began to train in the arts of being a courtesan. For a few years, she traveled with the moving brothel, amassing suitors and clients alike on different worlds across the galaxy. But with the spread of the Galactic Empire came a clampdown on so-called "illicit" trade. As prostitution became increasingly more restricted -- and even outlawed in some sectors -- the luxury liner shut down. It was from one of her fellow courtesans that Aurine heard of the active sex trade on the lower levels of Coruscant, and so she sought out Zam's Brothel as a new venue to peddle her trade. She has worked there just shy of two years now, quickly making a name for herself on 3030.