[hr][hr][centre][h1][color=0054a6]Jacen Trauce[/color][/h1][/centre][hr][hr] [centre][img]https://49.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lyu5feOZir1qeyjtso1_500.gif[/img] [u]Time:[/u] 10:55 [u]Location:[/u]Lakeside [u]Interacting with:[/u]Lexi |Seamus[/centre] [hr] Jacen let loose a little snort [color=0054a6]"I'm sure you did."[/color] he muttered half under his breath. [color=0054a6]"Hope you made sure they were fully burned. I know how looking at you turned them on. I'd hate for your new boyfriend to feel inadequate."[/color] Thought they hadn't spoken much since the breakup, Jacen knew Lexi had remained single. He didn't know why though. She was beautiful, funny, sweet, protective, and forgiving. He missed her, and that pain was coming out as cruelty and sarcasm at the moment. He looked on as Seamus was walking up. [color=0054a6]"Took you long enough ass hole. What'd you see your hair the in the window and think it was a stop light again?" [/color] He let a small grin creep onto his face and gave his friend a half hug. Answering the man's question his smile shrunk as he said[color=0054a6] "Infidelity."[/color] He shot his eyes over to Erin and Grant ontop of each other. He knew the two of them wouldn't be able to hear the comment. He figured Lexi probably would. Whether or not she retorted to it or not he didn't know. At her comment about the party he almost forgot about Erin's kissing grant and let a grin slip onto his face [color=0054a6]"That would be fun.. kinda like the time we hired the gay cuban DJ that tried to hook up Seamus..."[/color] he let his thoughts trail off as he remembered the rest of the party. That had been the first time he kissed Lexi in her bedroom and they had talked about getting together. His smile faded and he looked down [color=0054a6]"I'm for both black light and swim wear.."[/color] He shot his eyes to the left and turned to face Seamus [color=0054a6]"What're you doing today buddy? Feel like going to do something we'll regret later?" [/color]Jacen had his backroom poker game tonight and he might see if his friend was interested in attending. He was feeling up for some weed and at least a case of beer.