Edit: Agh, I just realized that my character's Eldritch Arm is kind of similar to [@Noxious]'s... I can change it, if needed. I've got a few other concepts in my head that I'm sure can make work... [b]Name[/b]: [i]Erielia Mirolin[/i] [b]Age[/b]: [i]19[/i] [b]Race[/b]: [i]Human[/i] [b]Gender[/b]: [i]Female[/i] [b]|Appearance|[/b] [i]Naturally slim, Erielia has very little physical strength and doesn't bother with trying to build any. With long legs and above-average curves, the she is very proud of her appearance, and frequently uses it to her advantage. Erielia has always adored long hair, and has refused to cut her blonde locks since she learned how to speak. Because of this, her hair has grown down to the middle of her thighs where it thins out. Her parents have urged her to snip some of it off, but the young woman, being very self-conscious and wary of change, has ignored their advice. Lately, she has been braiding her hair every morning in an effort to keep the length while having it not be so inconvenient. Through decades of marriage based on beauty and power, her family blessed her with a beautiful visage. With purple, doe-shaped eyes set in a heart-shaped face, most would consider her physically attractive. She has always been taught to wear more "feminine" clothing - dresses and skirts instead of pants, usually paired with something with a wedge or heel. She seems to enjoy dressing up, but no one knows if that’s because of personal preference or habit.[/i] [b]|Bio|[/b] [i]Born into the very noble Mirolin family, Erielia was raised by her mother, who gave her a fairly strict upbringing. As a young child, her mother organized each and every day and made sure that she always had as many tutors as possible. She worked extremely hard to do well - so she could bask in the praise and attention that would come flooding in. She always loved being noticed; that was the only motivation she ever had to do anything. Fast forward a few years to when she was around 12 years old, and the girl's younger brother was born. Suddenly, all the attention and praise she used to have was gone. Jealousy and ambition being in her genes, she thought for days on how to gain back everything she had lost - and make sure that her little sibling would never be able to take it away from her. It was around then that she discovered a beautiful silver and sapphire ring half-hidden in the corner of a well-known jewellery while shopping. The moment she noticed it, she felt a strange, pleasant feeling settling in her mind. The next thing she knew, she was standing in front of the stored clerk, handing him a wad of money with the ring on her finger. A few days later, the baby boy and his mother were announced dead - both had been murdered by one of the family’s maids. After the death of his wife and son, Erielia’s father began devoting all of his energy to making sure that she stayed safe and happy, spoiling her with money and attention.[/i] [b]Eldritch Arm[/b]: [i]Lothuria[/i] [b]Standard Form[/b]: [i]In its standard form, Lothuria is a silver ring with two small but bright sapphires imbedded in the middle. This allows the wearer to communicate with surrounding spirits. The wearer can also enlist the help of these spirits. Among other abilities, these spirits can “possess” living things; however, unlike controlling something, they can only do their best to influence something, which makes it hard to “possess” a strong-willed individual. [/i] [b]Alternate Form[/b]: [i]Lothuria is turned into an elegant rapier, a weapon preferred by nobles. In addition to Erielia using the weapon for obvious purposes, it also allows spirits to influence stronger-willed things. [/i] [b]Overbreak Form[/b]: [i]In this form, Lothuria can ask spirits to influence most things, and even groups of weaker-willed things. It can also control Erielia’s body when pushed; if she exerts herself too much and runs out of energy, Lothuria can take over as it does not feel pain or fatigue. However, this obviously comes with consequences from over-working her body.[/i] [b]Unleashed Form[/b]: [i]In its unleashed form, Lothuria gains a physical form through darkness or something’s shadow, making it much more powerful at night. On top of having the abilities that Erielia had when it was in its other forms, it is also tangible, meaning that it can protect Erielia, as well as attack other things.[/i] [b]Other[/b]: [i]In its standard, alternate, and overbreak forms, Lothuria “resides” in the user’s mind, where it can telepathically communicate with the user. In its unleashed form, it comes out of the user’s mind and slips into its physical form. Since Erielia began using her Eldritch Arm, she has experienced dizziness, nausea, and fainting. Something that happens not as frequently is bouts of madness; the only time that that has happened so far, however, is when she committed her first crime and ended up killing her own mother, who she had adored.[/i]