[@Iluvatar]There are a two things I feel the need to point out: 1) You have a very disconjointed and separated nation, literally anyone can just come in and wipe and island out seeing as most people have armies larger than your entire population. I highly recommend you find a strong ally in one of the places you wish to trade so you aren't instantly nommed on. (The Grand Commonwealth Union is available for such a relationship if you want :p) 2) As Shorticus mentioned, there is no real way of producing rubber and whatever electronics you have is best kept to yourself. Unless you some how got an expedition into Africa and is now sending your copious amounts of rubber, I don't see it being too likely you'll be exporting rubber. While synthetic rubber might be an option, again I feel that its something best kept to yourself along with electronics as its probably one of the things that would keep you alive. [hr][hr] In other news, I've decided to make [@Dinh AaronMk] co-GM as he clearly knows what he's talking about technology and other crucial things on a level which surpasses my own.