[@Bright_Ops] That's exactly what I both told you, and that I have written in the last post. Now get forward! Don't need me to hold your hand, you're in the Guard, dammit. :lol Also, let me make this crystal clear to everyone; you won't be posting for a bit and have a reason(s)? That's fine. If that is the case, please inform me. If you start just buggering off for 4+ days without posting and without telling me you're going to be absent, I shall puppet your character and kill them off in terrible, terrible ways. I hope everyone understands, and I really hope I don't need to start doing this either... [@Vahir], I'm especially talking to you; your last post was [b]sixteen[/b] days ago, and I can see that you've been on RPG numerous times. So, please either post this weekend (doesn't even need to be a long one), as I still need to know that you're both alive/interested in staying with this RP.