[center][h1]Cyano Conablum[/h1][/center] [hr] [@savato][@pirouette][@sgtEasy][@flamelord] Cyano couldn't help but finally let out her chuckle at Ruikos "comeback". Time to push her buttons just a tiny bit more. Cyano would wipe her hair back over her headband. "Oh, I am so sorry. I forgot. Your special. Don't know why I hadn't thought of it. Mustn't hurt the pets feelings." Cyano let up just a tiny bit, with the sarcasm. Though only so that she would be more open to her next idea. A fun one, and one she would most likely accept. "I can see it you know. You want nothing more then to smash my head in. Because I'm such a bad bad person. You want to toss me out like trash. And I'll give you the chance." At this point, Cyano paused to let anyone complain. Though if they would complain she would stop them by raising her hands, before tossing her Saber cloth sword to the side, and her multi weapon to eto. "Come on then. I'll even give you an offer. If you win. Kill me, put... whatever you use in my brain. And if I win, I won't kill you. No risk for you. But humor me. I know you want to, you want to let all that frustration out. Beat the guilt those four million lives are giving you out on to someone else." Cyano waited Ruikos answer. Whether it be a refusal, an acceptance, or a premature attack. She would be ready for it.