[hr][hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/fUEogP8.png[/img] [hr][hr] Time: 10:56 AM Location: Lakeside Interacting With: Gabby[@Aewin], Esme [@guineamania], Lexi[@HushedWhispers] [hr] Grant smiled as he looked over at Esme. He glanced at Gabby as he went for a muffin, his eyes twinkling mischievously. He wasn’t even thinking about Jacen, in fact it was easy to tell that Grant didn’t even think there [i]was[/i] a reason for [i]anyone[/i]to be upset. All he’d done was kiss [i]Gabriella[/i], and he’d done much, much more to her in the past. Plus, Jacen was a cheater anyway, so why did he care so much? Shaking his head as he selected one of the muffins, Grant bit into it before looking over at Esme as he spoke, his mouth full as he tried to grin. “[color=#ff4800]Tell him I said thanks, it means a lot. I love muffins, [i]and besides[/i],[/color]” Grant turns his attention to Gabby now as he speaks, swallowing down what was in his mouth before he completed his sentence. “[color=#ff4800]I’ve got to get the taste of skank out of my mouth now…[/color]” He popped what was left of the muffin into his mouth and laughed, knowing full well he was likely in for an earful now. Whatever, worth it. Quickly, not wanting to give Gabriella much a chance to respond to what he’d just said, Grant turned his attention to Lexi. “[color=#ff4800]Both. Of course, both, always both. That’s not even really a question, is it?[/color]” He paused for a moment, tilting his head as he heard her mention breaking her mother’s vase. He thought, and thought hard, but after a few seconds, he realized that he just didn’t remember and he gave up with a shrug. “[color=#ff4800]Got it, don’t break the vase. No fights, no fun. You’re the boss, Lexi, more or less.[/color]” He decided with a grin, scratching behind his head. He took off his sunglasses and hung them off the collar of his shirt. It took his eyes a minute to adjust to the light, his pupils slightly dilated from the effects of the Adderall that was beginning to go to work in his system, and the shade provided by the sunglasses, but once they came in contact with the sun, Grant had to squint for a matter of moments while his eyes adjusted. He very quickly remembered why he wore the glasses in the first place as the sun aggressively tried to melt his eyeballs out of their sockets. Once he’d adjusted to it, Grant grinned as he [i]didn’t[/i] feel the throbbing beginnings of a headache. “[color=#ff4800]So, a party, huh? I can provide alcohol and the… [i]party favors[/i], if ya know what I mean. I know a guy, just let me know what you want today. The standard is pot, so I’ll bring that no matter what… If we’re doing a black light shindig, maybe a couple of tabs of acid, a few x pills…[/color]” Grant trailed off before he shook his head, looking at Lexi again with a grin on his lips. “[color=#ff4800]It’s your party though, and you’re the boss,[/color]” he reiterated, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “[color=#ff4800]Just let me know what you’re in the mood for, yeye? Your wish, my command. ...or something to that effect, don’t get too excited now. Maybe we can all get together and play truth or dare at your party, huh?[/color]” Grant grinned again and reached into the tupperware container that Esme held, snatching another muffing and taking a bite out of it. “[color=#ff4800]Seriously, Esme. All I had for breakfast today was a shot of jack and a couplea Adderall pills. [i]These[/i] are a goddamn lifesaver. Anyway, I guess I should be taking my leave to get ready to throw down if we're gonna party tonight,[/color]” He munched on the muffin thoughtfully as he considered his day so far: wake up, shot o’ jack, couple of pills chewed up, arrive at party with cigs for Gabby, hold them ransom, make out with her in front of her boyfriend, eat a muffin, and now he was already plotting his escape to get ready for the party. His day(and life) could be simplified, he thought, into four words: Arrive, raise hell, leave.[/center]